#91 - Stealing a cop car

Start from the beginning

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what this guys intentions were, following the Camarilla's habits and history, they planned to cut out their vocal chords and use them for themselves. Carmen felt sick just thinking about it. 

Then it was all happening so fast, Carmen didn't know it was going to happen right away. She thought maybe she'd have time to come up with a plan or they'd be time for the Army to find them but no. The other men in red robes came round with a tray, its' content were a syringe, a scalpel and a metal bowl. 

"No!" Carmen yelled in protest but they gave her no mind, not even the batter of an eyelid. "Stop it!" She continued to pulled against her restraints with all her force but they wouldn't give. She continued to scream and thrash about in hopes of distracting them or prolonging it somehow. 

They stabbed the syringe into Raelle's neck and emptied its contents, instantly Raelle's eyes began to droop again. Carmen couldn't get the amount of fear she saw from Raelle, out of her head. How was she going to save her? 

Carmen searched for answers, searched her collection of Work and the first thing that came to mind was the most common, easiest thing, Windstrike. She took in a deep breath but as she did it's like it got caught in her throat. The main man in the red robe had turned around to face her and as he did he'd turned on his chest dampener.

"Not so fast." He smiled at himself like he was proud. 

A small cough escaped Carmen's throat, "I've worked around your stupid dampeners before." 

"Oh, I know. I've seen it." Then he does something unexpected, he turns it off. "I'm not gong to give you enough time to get around it this time." Carmen had barely been listening to him as she ramped up for another Windstrike but yet again it got almost thrown back at her as he turned the dampener back on. 

"You piece of-"

"So feisty." He declares, once again turning the dampener off. 

Carmen recovers then quickly spares a glance behind him to check on Raelle, she was relieved to find no harm had come to her. Maybe her distraction idea was paying off.

"Don't worry about her, we'll get her voice soon. Patience." 

Carmen saw the man with a second syringe walk over to them but she couldn't get away, just like Raelle they stabbed her in the neck and her eyes started to close. 

"Give this one double." As the second syringe perched her neck Carmen was out.

Willa's House

After what they found last night at the animal clinic both Willa and Scylla had been on edge all night and all morning, so they did something reckless... called Edwin Collar.

"This is... risky? No?" Myka questioned them as Scylla stood anxiously by the phone. 

"I'll pretend I'm from Fort Salem, ask for her and if she does come to the phone I'll just hang up. That way we'll know if she'd safe or not." Scylla justifies.

Willa nods in agreement.

With the nod of approval Scylla picks up the phone and dials, it only took one ring before it was picked up.

"Hell? Rae?" Edwin said desperately through the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mr Collar. This is War College Administration. I'm looking for Raelle Collar. Is she there?" Scylla asked.

"I don't know where she is." He admitted in a sad and worried voice, "Your investigators were here all morning. Ask them. They won't tell me a damn thing."

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