Chapter 4

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Advice: Don't cheat, even if they are a piece of shit!

Season 1 Episode 4


"You are welcome to remain." I remarked this after she had carried the snack packs into the house. Allowing her to drive back for three hours would be nasty and cruel. The least I could do was invite her to stay.

"I'm not sure whether I should."

"You are welcome to remain."

"Do you want something to eat?" I inquired, hurrying to the kitchen to give her a couple of snacks and open the bottle of wine. I didn't bring much food with me. Only cheese, grapes, crackers, and sausage. Even though I feed my spouse, I wouldn't feed myself. I rarely ever eat.

"Uh, can they suffice?" I inquired, holding out the bags of nibbles that I planned to display on a little charcuterie board.

"Yeah." She gave a nod. "Can I use your restroom quickly?"

"Sure, final door on the left, just down the hall." While getting the board ready, I remarked. I took two big glasses from the cabinet and poured the full bottle of wine into them. I wanted to be intoxicated, so I brought two bottles of wine, when one bottle normally suffices. But with guests, I was glad I brought two.

Anton returned to the kitchen, her white business shirt gone, replaced with a black skin-tight T-shirt, her legs still in her dark green slacks, and a pair of black socks on her feet.

"Here you have it." Giving her the wine, I murmured. She takes the glass and stares at it.

My eyes widened as I realized how much I had paid out to her. She wasn't a housewife out to get drunk and forget about your maybe broken marriage, I realized. But she was a working woman who moved documents about.

"I can throw—"

"Don't worry. I don't get drunk easily. I wouldn't say the same thing about you." She stated this while looking at my glass.

"That is my goal." I remarked, scooping up the snack board and bringing it over to the couch. "I don't have a TV or anything else for amusement."

"Don't worry. We'll provide each other with enjoyment." I raise my drink to her.

"I understand that crackers and wine do not constitute a full stomach. But breakfast or lunch at my house tomorrow is on me. "Come over when Johnathan gets home."

"It's all right, Mia." She muttered this while gulping down her wine and filling her cheeks with crackers. I felt more terrible when I saw how hungry she was. She was forced to stay with me today, and given her structure, she need genuine meals.

I agreed on simply wine and gave her the full board.

"As far as I can tell, you and Johnathan collaborated. What department are you in?"

"My father is the CEO, and I am the next in line. As a result, I'm in training." She laughed. My pupils dilate. I almost spat the wine out of my mouth.

"That's pretty nice."

"No, it isn't. I'm exhausted. I don't have much time for myself," she chuckled again. "I barely get a couple evenings out a week."

"I'm guessing you don't want to be CEO in the future."

"I do. It's a family trait. I only wish I had more time to explore before taking on such a responsibility."

"Got it." I get up and head for the second wine bottle. I presented it to her. "Would you like more?"

"I am thirsty. The outback can be brutal to humans." She chuckles. I still haven't completed my glass of wine since I was a sluggish sipper. But, considering Anton's history with alcohol, I was quite confident a glass of wine was equivalent to a can of soda pop.

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