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"Shubman, I've uncovered something that might change everything. Brace yourself for what comes next."

Shubman, on the other end of the call, felt a jolt of anticipation mixed with anxiety. "What did you find, Ishan? Don't keep me in suspense. Lay it all out."

Ishan, his voice quickened by excitement, began to unravel the discovery. "I stumbled upon an old family journal tucked away in my grandparents' attic. It contains details about the hidden marriage and the two children born out of it. But here's the twist – the journal implies a deliberate effort to mislead. The family had so many relatives with almost similar name,I am confused and it might not be as straightforward as we thought."

Shubman listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. "So, what you're saying is that there's more to this story than what the mysterious letter revealed? This might be the breakthrough we needed."

Ishan continued, "Exactly. It appears our families deliberately hid the facts, and there might be a deeper motive behind it. I'm still piecing together the puzzle, but it's clear this goes beyond a simple family secret."

Shubman, caught in the whirlwind of emotions, questioned, "But why would they go to such lengths to keep the truth hidden? What could be so significant that it warranted concealing our shared lineage.

Ishan, sharing the weight of the revelation, speculated, "There could be various reasons – societal pressure, family reputation, or perhaps a larger legacy that needed protection. It's clear our grandparents faced immense pressure, and their decisions were driven by factors we're yet to fully understand."

As the gravity of the situation unfolded, Ishan proposed, "Shubman, what if we confront our families together? If we approach them with this newfound information, we might get the answers we seek. It's time to unravel it to them and confront the truth head-on.

Shubman hesitated for a moment, weighing the implications of exposing the hidden truths. "Ishan, confronting our families might not be easy. Are we ready for the potential backlash, the unraveling of carefully guarded secrets? Our love story could be in danger and shake the foundations of our family historie."

Ishan responded with determination, "Shubman, our love has already endured trials. If we're to build a future together, it must be built on truth. We owe it to ourselves and our families to unravel the mysteries that have bound us. Together, we can face whatever comes our way."

Encouraged by Ishan's resolve, Shubman agreed, "You're right. It's time to confront the past and shape our own destiny. Let's face our families and demand the truth. Our love deserves an honest foundation."

The decision made, Ishan and Shubman coordinated their approach. They planned to present the newfound information to their respective families and seek an audience where the truth could no longer be denied.

Ishan took his family to Chandigarh saying he has some important work.On the other hand,Shubman invited Ishan's family to his house for dinner.

When Ishan's family arrived to Shubman's house, Ishan and Shubman, united by a shared purpose, stood side by side as they faced their families. The room echoed with tension as the weight of unspoken truths hung in the air.

"We need to talk"-They said to their family.

Ishan, taking the lead, addressed his family with a firm yet compassionate tone. "We've discovered the family journal, and it's time to confront the hidden past. We deserve to know the truth, and so do you all. The secrets that have bound us for decades must be laid bare."

"What is it,beta?"-Shubman's father asked sensing the tension.

Ishan, with the family journal in hand, began to unfold the revelations that could reshape their shared history.

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