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Shubman, Mayank, Shahneel, Rishabh, and Tilak gathered in Shubman's room, ready to implement Shahneel's plan.

Shahneel explained, "We need to remind Ishan of the moments that made him fall in love with Shubman in the first place. Gather pictures, videos, messages – anything that captures the essence of your friendship. We'll create a montage, a visual journey of your bond."

Mayank nodded, "That's a thoughtful plan. It's high time Ishan realize the depth of his feelings."

As they sifted through memories,they made a drive link to share there memory with Ishan,but theirs were just excuse to show Shubman's one more subtly.They took Ishan's laptop to make it.Fortunately they discovered a notebook software  where Ishan had poured his heart out about Shubman.

There were doodles, heartfelt notes, and even a list of things he loved about Shubman.

Shubman felt a mix of emotions as he read through the pages. "I had no idea he felt this way.How can I be so blind and daft"

Shahneel smiled, "Love often hides in plain sight, Shub. Now, let's compile all this into a heartwarming presentation."

"But when are we gonna play it?"-Shubman asked.


They spent the evening crafting a beautiful montage that showcased the highs and lows of their friendship. Shubman couldn't help but smile through tears as he relived precious moments.

At night after dinner,they all took Ishan to a room where they already arranged everything.
"Wow,what are all these guys"-Ishan asked surprised.

"We wanted you to bid goodbye in our way"-Rishab said.

" What goodbye!I am not going anywhere you know"

"Brace yourself, my friend. You're about to be the star of a whole new reality show called "Married Life."-Rishabh replied.

"More like "Survivor: The Husband Edition."-Mayank added .

" You say it like you are a marriage expert!"-Rishabh said in a Mocking tone.

They all sat down and the montage began playing.Others consciously make the sitting arrangement such  that, Ishan sat beside Shubman.They didn’t exchange any word with each other though.

Ishan watched in awe as images of their journey flashed before his eyes. The laughter,the chaos,the practice session fun,pool session,the shared secrets, the late-night conversations – it was all there.But it looked more like Shubman-Ishan presentation to all because in 80% were only Shubman and Ishan.

They made Ishan's eye burn.Tear threatened to come out as an outburst.But Ishan can't do that.He was trying to act as composed,moved on in front of Shubman.He shouldn’t know the reality.

The montage ended with a quote Ishan had written in his journal, "Sometimes, the heart knows what the mind is yet to accept."

Shubman and Ishan were so lost in the montage that they didn’t realise everyone else left the room silently.

Shubman was the first to talk, "Ishan, our friendship means everything to me. I can't let you make a life-altering decision just because you feel you are morally obliged.I love you, and I know you still love me.There is nothing you can do to hide it."

"What do you want Shubman?Where were you when I was there in that relationship all alone.I fell first,Shubi.At least you know I love you,I didn’t even have this much privilege."-Ishan was angry now.How dare Shubman ruin everything and now came to demand love.

" You fell first Ishan.But I fell harder.It's not easy for me either.You know I love you,but I love you more than you know"

"Shubi you ever fall in love with someone 5 times?10 times?Everyday I woke up,and it was like damn,what is this shit.I kept falling and falling."-Ishan's voice is soft now.

Shubman took that softness as encouragement. "Marrying someone else won't make those feelings disappear. It's not fair to you or to her."

Ishan sighed, his shoulders slumping. "What do you expect me to do, Shubman? Call off the wedding and break her heart? I can't do that."

"But what about your heart, Ishan? What about the love you feel for me? Don't you deserve to be happy too?"

"That was the whole point of marrying.I wanted to be happy so bad that..."

"You took the easy way" Shubman cut his line.

A moment of silence hung in the air as Ishan contemplated their words. Finally, he spoke, "I understand what you're saying, but it's not that simple. There are expectations, family, and a commitment I made. I can't just abandon everything."

Shubman looked at him with sincerity, "Ishan,I am not asking you to abandon anything.I am asking you to acknowledge the love that exists between us.Consider the consequences of going through with this marriage. Sometimes, the hardest decisions are the right ones."

Ishan remained silent, caught in the turmoil of conflicting emotions. Shubman continued, "Ishan,I care about you,and I respect Aditi.It's better to address it now than regret it later."

After a moment of contemplation, Ishan finally spoke, "I need time to think about this. The wedding is approaching fast, but I can't make such a monumental decision hastily."

Shubman nodded understandingly, "Take the time you need, Ishan.I am here for you, no matter what you decide. Just remember,your happiness only matters to me."

"And one thing I would like to add" Shubman added.

Before Ishan could react or question what it is, Shubman gently cupped his face and pressed his lips against Ishan's in a sudden, tender kiss. The world seemed to pause for a moment as the two best friends shared a surprisingly sweet and heartfelt connection.

When they finally pulled away, Ishan's eyes widened in surprise, but a soft smile formed on his lips. Shubman, looking both nervous and hopeful, said, "I couldn't let the day end without letting you know how much you mean to me, Ishan."

Ishan, still processing the unexpected turn of events, chuckled. "Well, Shub, you certainly know how to bribe to keep things in your favour."

Shubman, relieved by Ishan's lighthearted response, grinned. "Life's too short to be morally neutral , especially when it comes to the people  I am dying for"

Guys What should Ishan do?Stick to the commitment or Listen to the heart?

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