Mia nodded. "Yes. 5:30 PM, I made sure to put it in." She expanded the screen on her electric band, showing Sam her schedule.

"Perfect." Sam lifted his hand to Mia's chin, pulling her close to his face. "Just like you." He leaned and kissed her before returning to his seat, their instructor walking in moments later.

"Good Morning."

"Good Morning, Mrs. Marley" The class said in unison.

"We asked you all here this morning for an announcement. Mr. Caddel and his assistant will be coming in any minute now to discuss this news with us. Please be on your best behavior." Mrs. Marley looked sharply at Ty. "I'm talking to you, Tyler."

"It's Ty." He mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

Before Mrs. Marley could respond, Mr. Caddel, the leader of the Dome, entered the room, his tall structure intimidating as he turned to the class, scanning all the seats as he stood before everyone.

"Good morning." Mr. Caddel's voice echoed through the room, its calm resonance momentarily silencing the whispers. His gaze swept across the assembled individuals, piercing and omniscient. "I trust your morning endeavors have adhered to the prescribed order." Mr. Caddel looked over to Mia and gave her a smile before returning his eye contact to the center of the room. Mia gnawed on her bottom lip nervously,  a familiar weight settle over the room, the weight of conformity and control. She hadn't spoken to Mr. Caddel in over a year, and just the sight of him made her begin to feel nervous. 'Did we do something wrong?' Mia thought to herself.

"Now as many of you are aware, our team at the Dome train you from day one to be successful in our society, and it is my job as Leader to oversee this training and determine if this truly is the correct path you should be taking." His voice echoed through the room, everyone silent and focused on the man before them. "After looking at some of your scores over the past month, I have decided that I will be choosing a select few of you to work towards becoming my successor."

The room erupted in whispers, uncertainty and excitement sounding throughout. "What about the other successors? Wouldn't that be taking their place?" Sam's hand was raised as he spoke out, his head tilted with a confused look.

"Excellent question my boy. Samuel isn't it?" Sam nodded in response. "It is not guaranteed you will be taking my spot as Leader, in fact, my successors from each side of the Dome still have as much of a chance as any other successor would." Mr. Caddel nodded, holding his hand out for his tablet to be set into his hands. "I have with me a list of names I would like to consider. Once your name is called, please step forward."

Mia sat up straighter and turned her body to look at Sam, he shrugged and motioned his head for Mia to look back at the front.

"Bethany Arthur." The blonde haired girl who spoke to Ty previously stood up and began walk to the front of the room.

"Andy Mintz, Ruby Roberts." One by one as Mr. Caddel called the names, they stood and approached the front of the class.

"Samuel Walters." Mia's body froze, she turned her head to watch as Sam stood proudly and walked towards the front. 'Why am I surprised? Sam has shown his exceptional skills in data analysis. If anyone would be deserving, it would be him.'

"Mia Brandy" Now her body really did freeze, she was unable to stand up, her ears began to ring.
She stood slowly, clutching her bag closely to her chest as she walked up to approach Mr. Caddel, all eyes on her.

"And lastly, Tyler Lawrence." The whole room gasped, their eyes now shifting over to him, sticking onto Ty like glue.

"It's Ty, and no thanks, I'm going to pass." Everyone gasped once more.

"Tyler! You will come up here this instant and respect your Leader!" Mrs. Marley said with a shaky tone.

"And if I don't?" Ty cranked his neck, rolling his eyes.

Mr. Caddel's gaze fixed upon Ty, his expression inscrutable. "Mr. Tyler Lawrence, your recent activities have not gone unnoticed. I implore you to reconsider the path you tread. The Dome is your sanctuary, and deviation threatens the harmony we have meticulously constructed."

Ty, seemingly unfazed, met Mr. Caddel's gaze with a steady look. "Sometimes, harmony needs a bit of disruption to reveal its true nature." Mia covered her mouth, dropping her bag in the process.

A murmur of disbelief rippled through the room, but before the tension could escalate, Mr. Caddel raised his hand, silencing the gathering. "I offer you a choice, Ty." His voice roughly saying his name. "Embrace the order of the Dome, or face the consequences of your actions."

"Consequences? What consequences?" He snickered, slouching back into his seat.

Mr. Caddel began to approach Ty's desk before being interrupted.

"No, wait!" Mia nervously spoke out. "Maybe he's just confused on what an honor this is. Clearly he knows the information, or he wouldn't have impressed you with his score." Mia took a deep breath. "Ty, just join us up here." Mia almost pleaded, realizing she was speaking as if she had known the boy personally.

"Very well." Mr. Caddel moved aside and gestured for Ty to walk past him. Hesitantly, Ty rose from his seat and walked up to the front of the room. Sighs of relief could be heard throughout the class.

The leader's gaze shifted to encompass the entire room. "Thank you for your time." He turned to the group he had just gathered. "Please follow me. We have much to discuss."

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