"Okay I will help you, let's start from your favorite cheese omelet" he serve her and sprinkle salt and Chilli on it preparing it for her.

She starts eating giving a soft smile to him. He give his killer smile and he also starts eating food gazing at her intensely. She looks at him and than food.
He chuckles in his mind at her scared face.
She gets intimidated by his dark eyes.

"Huh, this much big table and who is on it, only me and this vampire" she looks at him angrily who is eating calmly while cursing him in mind.

"Stop cursing me in your mind Swara" He said without looking at her shocked her.

"How he came to know what I was thinking" she thinks in mind.

"Because I know your brain and how it's works, I know very well" he replied looking at her shocked face with a smirk.

"Huh, idiot! I so feel to slap on his smirking face" she curse him again in mind, glaringly at him.

"Slap then" he show his cheek to her shocking her more.

She dig her face on food and starts eating fast, he chuckles at her.

"Eat slowly jaan" He stopped her spoon and feed her slowly.


"Orion" take plates from here.

"Orion, what kind of name is this" she thinks in mind.

Orion comes and starts holding plates all in one go.

"Bhaiya plates will be fallen, take slowly slowly" she stops that men.

"I can do everything QUEEN" He said in heavy yet weird voice.

"What kind of voice you have, does your throat is sore?" She ask looking at him then Sanskar who is chilled.
"Cant you give cough syrup to your staff"?

"I DON'T NEED COUGH SYRUP" Orion again replies in weird voice.

"See, your throat is so sore, you need cough syrup"
she said in sympathy.

"I don't need, this is my original voice" He said in his broken voice again.

"You are denying to your king's queen" she said strictly.

"I am sorry queen, but I am saying correct, medicine will corrupt my system"He confused her.

"System, your system will be alright" she try to convince him.

"Orion, pass that salt to me without moving from this place" he orders him.

"Are you mad, how he can brought salt without moving from place" she said making faces at him.

She gets shocked when Orion without moving from place stretch his iron hand and grab the salt from the edge and give to Sanskar making its in previous position.

"He, he he isn't human" Swara speaks with difficulty in shock.

"Of course not, he is human robot" Sanskar shocks her calmly.

"Whattttttt, I was talking to a machine" she said in shock.

"Human robot" Sanskar correct her.

"Whatever, both are same! Are you mad can't you do one work as a normal human being, you could have appointed normal humans too" she said frustratedly.

"Humans aren't trustworthy Swara, they can cheat anytime" he said looking at her with utmost calmness.

"Machine can also corrupt" she argue with him.

"Yeah, they can but it's under my control, so I will be notify and I will destroy it before its take any wrong step" he explained her calmly as if it's so simple for him.

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