𝟏𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞

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                            chapter 11:
                            the truck ride


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The group of kids currently sat in the back on the truck, Asteria sat across from Percy who was currently. As Grover was standing on top of some boxes trying to see outside

Grover stuck his head through the hole "Grover get your head back inside before someone sees us" Asteria warned she could hear him groan before putting taking his head out "Whatever. We're almost there" He announced

Asteria looked around the place which was filled with a bunch of animal noises, Percy sat next to Asteria as Annabeth held a ethereal in her hand "It looks like a portal" Asteria muttered still not used to seeing it

"There. I've got a single" Annabeth told them, as Percy held a coin in his hand "Toss it" Annabeth nudged him "This will never stop being weird" Asteria nodded her head in agreement

Annabeth spoke as she requested the ethereal to show them camp half blood more specifically Chiron's office "No way" Asteria mumbled automatically recognizing who the person was

"Luke?" Percy questioned as Asteria stared in shock "Asteria? Annabeth! Percy! Are you guys okay" Luke asked as Asteria smiled

"Yeah, we're fine" Annabeth stuttered , Asteria kept eye contact with her brother- they were thinking the same thing. "Where's Chiron" Annabeth asked as Luke drew his attention to Annabeth

Luke explained what was going on at camp - Asteria raised her eyebrows before looking at her brother in the ethereal to see his reaction "We know who stole the bolt" Percy stated "How do you know?" Luke asked curiously - he seemed unfazed

Asteria stayed silent letting the Annabeth explain their situation "Who would Ares cover for other than-" Annabeth was in the middle of explaining but Luke finished her sentence "His favorite daughter"

"Clarisse is the lightning thief"

Percy went over his plan on what Luke should do "Okay im on it" He assured, Percy and Annabeth got their days confused trying to tell the story of their quest so far "Guys what is this?" Luke questioned as the pair stopped arguing over the days

Asteria just listened "When did you turn into an old married couple?" Luke asked before looking at Asteria, he knew what he was doing. Asteria rolled her tongue against her cheek as Luke smiled seeing her reaction, she rolled her eyes

"We need your advice on something" Percy changed the topic "We're headed to Las vegas to find your dad" Annabeth quickly shut the ethereal, Asteria was confused

"You cant ask Luke about his dad" Annabeth explained "My dad?" Asteria asked Percy could tell something was wrong "You also can't ask Asteria" Annabeth muttered "Why?" Percy whispered so Asteria couldn't hear "Asteria you knew we where going to see Hermes" Grover mentioned, she nodded, she probably wasn't paying attention when they mentioned him

"If you tell them we'e going to see Hermes, they're gonna try to talk us out of it" Asteria scoffed "Im not going to talk you out of it." She stated before getting up and walking towards the end of the truck where Grover was

Asteria could still hear them talking, before she heard footsteps she soon realized it was Percy "I didn't know, i promise ill try not to mention him around you" He explained "It's fine, it wasn't your fault"

"She hates her dad" She heard someone whisper "I don't hate my father. I have my reasons to act that way towards him."

"Guys i have some updates" Grover announced "Come on" Percy whispered taking her hand and leading them to the rest of the group "The men driving this truck are not nice people. Traffickers" Grover informed, Grover quickly went on a rant about the animals escape

"That's the most stupidest thing i ever heard" Asteria told him as the rest of the group started opening the cages "Oh so you guys are actually going along with this?" She asked but they we're to busy opening the cages "Lets get out. Quick before the animals get violent!" Grover panicked as they all got off

"Im saving myself, and you too" Asteria said grabbing Percy's arm dragging him towards the sidewalk, Grover and Annabeth quickly joined
"This seems dangerous" Percy stated the obvious "No shit."

"They'll be totally fine, i gave them a Satyr's blessing" Grover admitted acting like it made the situation better "I meant for the people"

"Grover didn't think about that" Grover agreed with Asteria "I mean, im dure they'll" Grover tried coming up with a reason but soon gave up "Yeah i dont know, but the animals are all set"

"Come on before the cops showed up" Annabeth warned as they heard police sirens "What is with us and getting involved with the police" Asteria groaned

"How do we know which hotel it is" Percy asked "It's obvious, it has a lotus flower" Asteria laughed as Percy's cheeks had a faint tint of pink

"Shut up" He joked as they followed Annabeth's lead towards the hotel, Asteria looked around the place in awe "If i wasn't busy on this quest i would definitely be here every single day" She admitted as they made it inside

The teens were all still in awe, they had never seen anything like this place before. "I know we're supposed to be saving the world, but would it help unprofessional if we hung out here for a bit?" Percy suggested, Asteria agreed

"We find Hermes, we get him to hook us up with a ride to Los Angeles, and a plan to get into the underworld. We are out of here ten seconds later" Annabeth explained her plan, Percy looked over at Asteria to see if the mention of her dad bothered her

"I was kidding" Perch cleared up "I wasn't, i would definitely stay her" Asteria shrugged "Your mom read you all the stories, she read you the Odyssey?" Grover asked Percy "The graphic novel. It counts" Asteria looked in confusion

Grover explained the story, before warning them about the lotus flowers "If he's in there though then what choice do we have?" Asteria dropped Percy's hand "I wanna explore this place" She started to walk away but Percy pulled her back

"Not until we have everyone's opinion" He cleared up "What do you two think?" Percy asked both girls "Just don't eat anything" Annabeth spoke for both of them, As she knew Asteria would agree either way "Let's go then"

"Wait, why were you looking at me when you said that?" Grover asked in confusion as Asteria laughed slightly



𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
short chapter sorry, but in my defense you guys are getting a couple of updates tomorrow so yeah

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