𝟎𝟗. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫

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chapter 9:
the diner


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The group eventually made it to the diner - they looked around getting room trying to find Ares, they soon found him after hearing his laughing
"Guess this is the right place"

They all approached the booth table, all four of them surprisingly fit "Give me a second" He told the teens as Ares scrolled on his phone "Okay done"

Ares leaned closer to them "Your quest is going to fail. Ask me how i know" The older man sighed "It isn't gonna fail" Ares scoffed shaking his head

Asteria sat in between Annabeth and Percy she sat in silence on paying attention to the conversation - Asteria was tired of the quest and the problems it was creating

Ares showed them a man speaking on the news mentioning Percy "my stepdad. What's he doing?" He questioned - the video kept playing

Percy was visibly angry- as he curled his hands into a fist under the table "Im gonna kill him." He muttered

"I knew i was gonna like you. But safe to say the chances of you four idiots hitchhiking to L.A without getting arrested are slim to none" Ares stated "Why are you sitting here then?" Annabeth questioned

Annabeth challenged him with various questions "There's no fear in you, is there?" He replied back "Even if it's retrieved, Zeus is going to war with Poseidon" Percy seemed shocked hearing this

"No, the Oracle said if we return the bolt there wouldn't be war" Percy pried - Asteria shifted uncomfortably in her seat, she wanted to get out of this place

"Is that what she said? Or is that what Chiron said she meant?" Percy didn't say anything after that "Your new to the family, let me fill you in on how we work" He informed Percy

Asteria's hand trembled in her lap - it looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack, she tried to act like nothing was bothering her

Ares ranted about his family raising his voice aggressively with each sentence "Olympians fight. We betray. We backstab. And thats why i love my family so much" He started smiling creepily and that was enough for Asteria

She sighed trying to calm herself down, Percy noticed and tried reaching for her trembling hands but she pulled away "Calm down" He whispered trying to stop her from shaking her hands

Ares continued ranting about the war as tension filled the room "You said you can help. Can you?" Percy questioned "Okay so here it is, Theres an amusement park up the road." The older man explained

"I left my shield there, you get my shield back and ill get you to the underworld" He prompted, Annabeth made fun of him for leaving his shield "So do we have a deal, or am i killing all four of you so i can eat in peace?" He threatened raising his voice

"Okay" Percy agreed as Asteria got up "I'll be back" She needed air "Let me go after her" She heard Percy behind her "No, im going you since you obviously can't tell what's bothering her" Grover said in a harsh tone as he followed her

Asteria exited the diner leaning on the wall trying to breath "Asteria what's going on" Grover worried as he exited the diner - She didn't give a response so he pulled her into a hug

Asteria looked through the diner's window making eye contact with Percy who seemed visibly upset, seeing Grover and Asteria

"Im so tired of this quest, he threatened to kill us!" Asteria explained her voice trembling slightly "Ares wouldn't do that" He tried calming her down

She scoffed "Really? Because we just made a deal that can cause us our life!" She spoke, Grover had never heard her speak to him like that before. Honestly from inside the diner it looked like the pair was fighting

"Even if we back down, we're still gonna get threatened. You heared what Annabeth said one of us is dying" She recalled running a hand through her hair

"We have people to protect us Asteria, and i know this isn't the the only thing bothering you" He brought up as she shook her head "Yeah? then what's bothering me?" She challenged

"I noticed how words effect you, especially Percy's" Grover stated changing the topic "Why do you always bring him up, and don't dare to change the topic Grover." She groaned, he ignored her

"I noticed your reaction when Annabeth hugged Percy, and how he told her that, that's what friends do" Grocer admitted Asteria was in shock that he actually noticed "See? your silent which means im right"

"Okay." She crossed her arms hating that Grover proved a point "Sorry" She apologized as he hummed

"We should probably get back inside" She suggested not wanting to talk about this any longer, she knew is the conversation continued she would probably hurt the boy with her words

Percy and Annabeth were at the door when they entered "Grover, Ares wants you to stay here" Percy whispered trying not to act suspicious "Im fine with that"

"Dont engage with him" Annabeth warned "He'll try to get in your head and you can't let him" Annabeth explained "It's okay. Really" He was serious "I know what im doing"

"What does that mean for me? am i staying or leaving?" Asteria questioned as Percy instantly looked at her "Your coming with us, i wouldn't leave you behind" They all walked out the door

Percy and Asteria let Annabeth be in front of them leading the way "Did i do something? or say something?" Percy worried "Well i know i said something" He muttered

"No? You didn't do anything" She lied "I did, i saw your reaction to my words" He brought up, she knew what he was talking about because Grover also noticed

"Yeah, im over it" He didn't believe her "It's fine, if you don't wanna talk about it." He seemed tempted trying to reach for her hand- she let him "Sorry for pulling away earlier" She apologized as he laughed under his breath as she smiled



𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
this is more of a filler chapter, next chapter is going to be crazy tho. Im thinking of slowing down their love story as its going way to fast.

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