Coffee and Confession : Tree x Fem!Hyper!Reader

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Request by: @AcherryLoverForBfb

O/N uses she/they in this oneshot (sometimes I forget it's a Fem! shot)

A/N: you ever have that moment when you love a characters voice but are eh on the actual character??? That's me with Tree

O/N always seemed anxious and skittish. She joined Death P.A.C.T in BFB because she thought killing was immoral and wanted to prevent it, like the rest of the team.

Over time, she came out of her shell, especially around Tree. She had uncontrollable energy which only really came out around people she really trusted.

Tree originally befriended O/N because he wanted to comfort her, but he loved watching her open up to him.

Sometime in between challenges, O/N invited Tree to a cafe- just the two of them- supposedly for celebrating another immunity and their friendship lasting for as long as it did.

Tree entered the cafe. O/N was on her phone, kind of curled up in a ball. She kind of looked.. cute..? No, what was he thinking? She was being socially anxious, that isn't cute, that's bad. Might as well help with that.

Tree: "Hey, O/N!"

O/N immediately smiled when she heard his voice. She looked up, waving quickly, drastically contrasting their previous anxiety.

O/N: "Oh!! Hi Tree!!"

Tree approached, sitting at the other seat at the table O/N was at. It was one of those higher up tables, Tree's legs slightly hanging off the seat.

Tree: "So, wanna get food or something?"

O/N: "Yeah sure!!"

Tree and O/N got up, walking through the line and ordering. O/N got a mocha latte thing filled with toppings and sugar, and a dessert treat filled with chocolate and more sugar. Tree just got a coffee and a sugar cookie.

Sitting back down at the table, the two chatted and laughed. O/N was moving around quickly, kicking and gesturing wildly. She talked on and on, and Tree listened. Like, actually responded and engaged.

O/N: "And then she flipped herself over to reveal a freaky light switch!! How crazy is that??"

Tree laughed

Tree: "I was there for it, O/N."

O/N: "Oh, right.. oh!! What about that time when Pie won that challenge despite flower giving it her best?"

Tree chuckled.

Tree: "I was there for that, too."

O/N: "Pff, I don't have any good stories that you weren't there for."

Tree: "It's fine. It's nice to see it from a different pair of eyes."

O/N: "Oh, right. There was something I did want to say, that's why I invited you here."

Tree: "So it wasn't for the immunity run, hm? I was wondering why you didn't invite the whole team."

O/N: "Yeah. I just wanted to say.."

She took a bit. Her face was a little red.

O/N: "I-"

Tree: "You love me?"

Tree interrupted, a confident smirk on his face. O/N was at a loss for words. Their face went red.

O/N: "I- how- how did you know what I was going to say?"

Tree: "You told me once that a cafe would be your ideal spot to confess to someone, it's not rocket science. But you're fine, cause I feel the same."

O/N's expression changed to happiness at the acceptance to their confession, hugging tree excitedly.

O/N: "Pff, you know me so well!"

Tree: "Yeah, how could I not?"

The two held eachother for a minute or two, before going back to talking and laughing.


A/N: Sorry for the sudden end! I got sick while writing this and then realized you guys need to know I exist!!

Total word count: 618

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