Chapter 1 | The First Journey

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"We've dealt with something like this in the past haven't we? 70 or 90 years ago was it?" An epidemiologist asked.

"Yes, there's a small chance it could be a occuring again, I hate to say it, but if we don't get rid of this by tomorrow. All hell breaks loose, it'll be worse than what it was like in the past."

"Sir, how exactly can we get rid of this within 24 hours?"

"... I don't think that's possible… To me it seems like this was what supposed to happen, the best thing we could do is study it, and see how it managed to form itself." He said as he stared at the liquid with moving parasites in it.

"Can't we do anything else about it sir!? Are all we really going to do is study it, not even try finding a cure, or keeping it in a more secure area?" A virologist spoke. Both groups of workers came together because they still didn't understand exactly what they were looking at, or how fast it could spread and how dangerous it really is.

"We cannot have a cure if we don't even know what the disease or virus is, or how it was caused. The only way we'd know is if I take a sample of it, and study that, but doing that is far more dangerous for all of us. It'll spread faster."

Everyone looked at the tied up man on the chair, as he viciously tried to grab the person next to him, he was the only left out of his group of astronauts.

Amarist Library

"Caru? Why didn't you tell me you were here, bro?" She yelled at him.

"Yasuko… I literally said, 'hey, I'm going to the library' and all you said was, 'okay'." He said, staring blankly at her.

"Really? My bad. I was just trying to find you, but I should get going, I'm not trying to be late for work again bro." She said, grabbing her bag. "Oh, wait, do you have work today?" She asked, stopping in her tracks.

"... Yasu, I have work everyday, I'm just not sure about today though and if you have work why didn't you just go? And then call me?" He said, while grabbing a book.

"You never answer your phone!… Anyway-" "Wait! Your 'brother' or Ji-sou isn't here today, so I'm guessing he's off work today, right?" He asked, looking at her.

"Yes, why?"

"No reason, just a drive to work, that's all. Just in case they don't pick me up.”

"Oh- okay, byeee!" " Good bye!"

"... You're lucky no one else is here at the moment, I would have had to kick you out." The librarian said.

"Sorry, Zen." He handed her a book for her to scan.

"I'm keeping it." He said taking the book and walking off.

"Whatever you want. We have many copies, just don't tell anyone else."

Chiharu walked around for a little bit, before deciding his next stop, Yasuko's workplace, but also one of his other friends.

"Hello, kagami!" Chiharu greeted the baker.

"Hey, haru, I have something new for you to taste!" Kagami said excitedly.

"Caru, you're here-" "shut up, sucko, and bring out the new desert." Kagami immediately cut off Yasuko, and commanded her.

"Fuck you!" She spat at Kagami.

"... Don't make me fire your ass, Yasuko!"

"Sorry! Sorry!"

"You better be,"

"Does Jae-li have any customers there right now?" Chiharu asked.

"Jae is in my room right now, she's resting, she said her head was hurting, I should probably change the sign for the salon part." As Kagami was about to move, someone came in.

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