(Chapter 05)

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Thorin was finally done with the boring duties he had to complete since he was now of age he noticed how he had not ran into Edith today at all or even seen the Elven king or any of his guards

He shrugged and sighed before hearing a small child scream his name and this made a smile creep on his lips as he pretended not to hear his sister yell his name

"Hmm who could be calling my name" he questioned out loud "must've been nobody of importance" he chuckled as he started walking away just a bit faster.

"Hey! I'm important!" She exclaimed chasing after him though her small legs didn't get her that far dwarves were natural sprinters so she still had a bit of speed to herself

Thorin would slow to let his sister dís catch up but then pick up his pace as she fell behind in his footsteps

"Heyyy! Thorin! Come on!" She shouted before laughing now fully sprinting after him

Thorin started running from his sister dís the heavy sound of his boots echoed through the hall so did hia sisters giggles

He kept looking back a couple times to see if she caught up he started running faster to give her a bit of a challenge

Thorin laughed looking back his little sister had a determined look on her face

Edith was now walking out of the library she was going to go look for her uncle when she heard laughing

She went to turn around to see who was giggling when someone crashed in to her roughly knocking her down

She groaned at the weight on top of her since Thorin had not been paying attention to what was infront of him he ran into princess Edith.

Dís now had finally caught up but was staring at the elven maiden being crushed underneath Thorin's weight.

Thorin quickly got up looking at Edith who now sat up looking up at him with a slight frown on her face the last thing she expected was to be crushed by a dwarf.

"My lady!" He exclaimed his expression was one of worry he did not want to hurt his guest especially since they were a female and he did not want to deal with the wrath of his father or her uncle if he had injured her.

"Are you alright princess Edith?" He asked his tone held a sense of worry she could tell he did mean to run into me, he held out his hand to help her up

"Do not worry I am fine Thorin" Edith chuckled as he took his hand and he helped her up she did not want him to worry though her back definitely hurt.

Her hand was 3 times smaller than his though that was a bit expected Thorin shot his sister as glare as she whispered ''ooooooh'' and Edith chuckled at thorins expression

"You are so pretty!" The young dwarfling exclaimed and Edith smiled

"Oh you flatter me so young one you are just as pretty" Edith complimented with a meaningful smile

Thorin smiled at his sister as she started circling Edith in excitement.

"What's your name my dear?" Edith questioned looking around herself as the child circled her in excitement

"My names Dís! And yours?" Dís now asked looking at the elf maiden

"My names Edith" she answered looking at the young girl before glancing at Thorin who was smiling at the dwarfling

"Alright, alright Dís I think it's time you leave our guest alone" Thorin chuckled picking Dís up

"Awwww" Dís pouted crossing her arms and Thorin rolled his eyes

Edith smiled warmly she loved children. Frerin Thorin's younger came around the corner "dís there you are!" He groaned

Thorin handed dís to his younger brother "it's time he eats then gets put the bed" Thorin told his brother his voice holding a bit of authority in it

Frerin nodded before glancing at me and flashing me a charming smile and walking off with the now upset dís

I smiled at Frerin as he walked away and Thorin cleared his throat and I looked back at Thorin.

"That's your sister right?" Edith inquired as now Thorin was walking beside her

"Yes, that's my sister Dís I hope she was not a bother she's a bit of a chatter box" Thorin sighed and Edith chuckled

"It's alright she's very pretty I don't mind I love children" Edith admitted and Thorin smiled before his expression turning one of worry again

"You sure your alright? I do hope I did not harm you that was quite a fall especially my weight adding on to it, us dwarves are no where near light..." Thorin stated looking at me

"I am alright just a bit of a back ache I'm sure it will go away" she added

"Okay..." thorin hummed quietly "where are you heading if I may ask?" Thorin questioned

"I'm looking for my uncle though I'm not sure where he could be" I admitted with a defeated look

Thorin stopped for a moment "hmm" he mumbled as he pondered for a moment

"Follow me" he added and she did as he said she followed closely behind

We were now in pretty spacey room with many jewels and other decorative stuff all revolving around gems

There was thror and my uncle, Lord Elrond turned around and dipped his head down in a slight bow and I did the same

He waved me over and I started walking towards my uncle and thror I glanced back to see Thorin was gone.

"Yes?" She asked my brow raised slightly "I was just telling thror about all the duties you attend to at Rivendell" he added

And she mentally face palmed all she did at Rivendell was ward off unwanted things that came to close to our borders nothing as good as what Thorin probably did.

"So your good at archery right?" Thror questioned looking at Edith

"Oh, yes I am indeed good at archery" she admits though she thought Thorin was gone he was standing behind the door listening in

Thror mumbled something even she couldn't hear but I waited for him to say something

"I would like to put your skills to the test if that's alright with you" he said looking towards my uncle who gave a small nod

"Doesn't seem so bad I suppose" she says with a nod

"Thorin will show you the way to the armory to pick out a bow for you" he says and with Thorin hearing his name he moves away from the door not wanting to seem as if he was already there.

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