(Chapter 27)

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The ride away from the shire was smooth also peaceful nothing intervening though she doubted it would be like that the entire journey.

The weather was warm the sun peeking through the white clouds casting an orangey glow.

The initial chatter soon dies down and everyone rides in a single line all looking ahead Edith rides towards the back since that's where fang chose to stay.

Soon after hours of riding night fall finally dawned upon us Thorin called we made camp there Edith dismounted her horse stretching out her limbs.

They settle on the side of a large hill, which was slightly rocky but only in some places the company soon also dismounted some stretching out their limbs or some keeping to themselves.

Though it seemed some were getting used to Edith she could tell not everyone liked or even acknowledged her presence Thorin seemed to not even look her way.

Fang sniffed around the area most of the dwarves agreed bringing fang was a good idea some said he would get in the way of things though Edith did not plan on parting from him.

Edith adored fang deeply she spent he most loneliest times with him ever since he was a small and when she found out he was a wolf she did see him in a different light though some of the elves were weary at first but fang proved to be such a good companion.

Bombur was quick to get a fire going to start making food bombur huffed as fang started to circle him not in a threatening way his tail wagged behind him he definitely had to be hungry.

Edith looks around inspecting everyone for a moment her eyes landing on the brunette headed dwarf she smiles as he almost trips over a rock almost falling, Kili looks around making sure no one saw but his face lit with embarrassment when he saw Edith looking right at him.

She chuckled at his face and he looked down as she made her way towards him "Though it would go unnoticed" she teased and he looked at her crossing his arms

"It was just a little trip no big deal" He frowned getting defensive she chuckled and looked at him "Oh dear, your the one making a big deal out of it, it was just slightly funny everyone has embarrassing moments trust me I've had the most" she admits moving a bit of hair out of her face

His face lights up looking at her "What embarrassing moments" he teased with a sly smile

Edith looked away not intending on giving an answer Fili sooner joined them also trying to push a bit of information from her.



She took a deep breath before looking at Thorin then back at him

"Okay okay... so one time very long ago actually, Dís thought it was a nice idea to play dress up though when she mentioned dress up i thought it would be her making try on some clothes in her room though it took a big turn. Instead of me dressing up like a pretty princess turns out I was going to be dressed like your uncle" telling the story made her face redden and she took a glance at him making sure he was not listening in or looking at her before continuing the boys looked very content

"She dressed me up in all his clothes and they are definitely heavy it weighted me down and she tried in my dress, Once I had been dressed in the dwarvish clothing Thorin walked in and caught me" she said her face full of embarrassment

Fili was the first to break out into laughter as Kili joined him Edith groaned trying to quiet them down as she looked behind her at the company who would probably question why they were laughing so much

Kili's fave was red from laughter and Edith let out a huff of air as they soon stopped laughing


The company was now all sitting around a fire laughing, telling jokes and stories .

Edith started to make her bed roll she also laid her cloak down to add a bit of extra padding to her bed roll so it would be more comfortable.

Everyone was given a bowl and when Fili offered her some she respectfully declined she wasn't much a meat lover but fang was practically at his heels when he held the bowl.

Fili shrugged and set the bowl down on the ground for fang since it was clear she did not want it anyways.

Edith eats a bit of lembas bread which filled her up pretty quickly without even eating the whole thing.

Fang was done with the bowl in minutes letting out a loud huff out his nose.

Soon Kili and Fili set their own bedrolls a few steps away from her, making them the only dwarves to be sleeping anywhere near her.

Kili seemed to be in his own world staring at some sort of stone in his hand though she did not ask any questions.

Fili started to take out all the hidden knives she was slightly bewildered at the amount of knives he could fit so many knives in his clothing.

Fili glanced at her and smiled "you never know" he says as he starts to clean them

"How many do you have?" She asks as he inspects the knife in his hand "A couple..." he answers not wanting to give out a specific answer though he knew very well exactly how many he has.

"Alright keep your secrets" she smiled before looking at the rest of the company, Fili at first took a glance at her before staring at her a bit longer than he intended to he caught himself and payed attention to his blades once again.

(I hope you're enjoying this, I'll try to update you every Friday though sometimes I might not be able to update  due to Saturday school and other complications. Also I'm not the best at spelling so if something's mispelled feel free to correct me😭)

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