(Chapter 22)

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Gandalf opens the door to reveal what we all expected Thorin there he stood right outside.

There was some slight tension in the room though that was nothing but expected.

"Gandalf" he greets simply walking smiling ever so slightly that it was almost unnoticeable.

"I thought you said this place would be easy to fine, I've lost my way, twice" he said emphasizing the word 'twice'

"I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door"

"Mark?" Bilbo asks a bit bewildered "there's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago" Bilbo says walking forward towards Thorin and Gandalf it was only a matter of time before Thorin noticed me.

"There is a mark" Gandalf states "I've put it there myself" he says

Thorin takes off his definitely weighted cloak revealing what he had underneath.

"Bilbo baggins, allow me to introduce you the leader of our company "Thorin Oakenshield" Gandalf says a smile on his face

Bilbo steps forward a bit more Thorin examines the being infront of him "So this is the hobbit, tell me master baggins have you done much fighting?" He questioned as he starts to circle the hobbit Bilbo seemed a bit intimidated.

All the confidence Edith had mustered up had perished as she grew nervous, if he reacted this way around Bilbo what will he say to her...


Bilbo seemed to stammer Slightly not expecting such an interrogation in his own home "P-pardon me?" He questioned

"Axe or sword?" He asks

Bilbo straightens up before answering "well I do have some skill in conkers if you must know" he added with a bit of confidence

Edith mentally face palms at the answer

"But I fail to see why that relevant" he adds loosing all the confidence after seeing the look Thorin gave him

"Thought as much" Thorin says "He looks more like a grocer than a burglar" he chuckles out

The company follows in track letting out a laugh as well

Gandalf glanced towards edit but didn't say anything he was going to let Thorin realize she was here.

But looks like fang wanted to bring attention to her presence fang seemed to be more excited to see Thorin than he was to see balin.

Fang rushed past Bilbo the hobbit letting out a startled yelp fang jumped on Thorin though not knocking him down.

The company chuckled though Thorin was confused as if he had never seen the being his whole life.

Fang's tail wagged in excitement pawing at him it was the glint of the collar that caught Thorin's attention his eyes widened slightly.

It was the stone carved collar he had gave fang when Edith got him "Fang!?" He exclaimed in confusing

As he saw the well what he thought was a dog who now was a wolf?

Thorin searched amongst the company as his eyes landed on Edith.

She froze staring at him taking in the difference people can change a lot in the span of 60 years....

(Thorin's pov)

I scanned the company in a state of confusing till my eyes landed on Edith.

She was well different, her once long thigh length hair was now short barely reaching her waist.

And if you look closely that beautiful glint that used to be in her eyes ceased to exist.

My brows furrowed and Gandalf cleared his throat I pet fang for second before pushing him off.

Before I could speak Gandalf said something which was for the better because I was most likely going to say something that would hurt her.

"Thorin this may not be to your liking but Edith will be on this quest to reclaim your homeland" Gandalf stated pointing out Edith as she stepped forward

"Your right it's not what I like which is why she will not be going" He answered bluntly

"Thorin we are going to need her more than you think do not think reclaiming your home land will be easy because it will be far from that" Gandalf said trying to make Thorin see reason.

"I asked for the 14th member of the company and you go out of your way to find a 15th?" I said through clenched teeth glancing at Edith who now stepped back.

"She's only going to go tell her elven kind about our quest and they will stop us and you know it" I argued

"She has not been in contact with her race for almost 4 months now! If I say she's going she's going" Gandalf bellowed

I scoffed and before letting out a puff of air "Alright" he barely even muttered out before walking away of course I was absolutely seething of the idea

(Back to Edith's pov)

She couldn't lie and say that was a lot because it definitely was and he was not showing any liking to her though she was not here to be liked

She was here to help them reclaim there home land, the dwarves who were not familiar with her before the kingdom burnt down were certain she would show disdain to there race though when she did not they didn't seem to be so unwanting of her.

Thorin was now sat at the table eating a meal of his own and Edith shot a glare at Fang he was getting her into all sorts of predicaments today.

Though she would not hold the grudge for long she could not say the same for dwarves who knew someone could hold a grudge for so long..?

60 years do not seem that long for elves though for a dwarf it definitely is a bit longer...

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