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Two weeks passed since those events. I encountered Will a few times, and every time he saw me, he changed direction with a disappointed look on his face. Wasn't he ashamed of what he had done? Or couldn't he swallow his pride? I don't know, and I don't care. Currently, I'm just trying to get him out of my mind and focus on returning to my normal life. Although it's very difficult...

When I told Lisa everything, she couldn't believe it at first. She was shocked. She advised me to ask Will a few times and find out if something else had happened. But in the end, I convinced her too. What Bay Wilson was about to say and Will's sudden change. These were enough to convince Lisa. Lisa promised me she wouldn't go and confront Will. After all, if she did, she could understand that I had taken this attitude after what I learned. As for Bay Wilson, we haven't crossed paths since that day. But I owed him an apology. I should have listened to what he said about Will.

That day, I learned why Lisa hastily left breakfast. She had a crush on a boy for a long time. He was living in England. They had met online a long time ago, and the boy had surprised her by coming to Los Angeles. That day, he had messaged Lisa, asking if she could pick him up from the airport. Lisa had left in a hurry for that reason. The boy was currently staying in a hotel. Lisa and he came to get to know each other better, in a way. Lisa is floating on air these days. She's truly in love. Just like I used to be. Maybe I still am, but I'm still strong. I believe I can get through these times. While lost in thought, Lisa came running towards me.

"Hey Lisa, what's the problem? Why are you running?"

"Will..." I felt my heart tighten to the core.

"W-what happened to Will?"

"Will is moving to Paris. And his flight is taking off in an hour and a half."

"Why do I care, Lisa? You know I don't care about him anymore."

"Yes, but at least you should ask him before he leaves. And you should hear it from his mouth. What if everything is just a big lie, Sue? Are you willing to risk losing the love of your life for a believed lie? What if something is happening like the Maria incident? We said we wouldn't make the same mistake again."

"The Maria incident is very different, Lisa. I've told you many times. I have definite evidence that it's not a lie. Bay Wilson..."

"You don't even know what Bay Wilson was talking about. I don't know; maybe he was talking about something else..."

"Enough, Lisa! Please don't confuse me anymore." Lisa sat next to me and held my hands.

"Look, Sue, I saw Will. He is suffering greatly, and it's clear from his eyes. He loves you. Obviously, there's something we don't know about in this situation. I know you too well. You're blindly in love with Will. Even if it's the last time, go talk to him. Ask him if what Angelina said is true or not. What do you have to lose? At least, you won't have any lingering doubts in your mind." Lisa's ringing phone interrupted our conversation.

"Yes, Louis, I'll be down in two minutes." When she hung up, she turned back to me.

"I have to go, Sue. Louis is waiting for me downstairs. But at least think about what I said. Will's plane is taking off from Los Angeles Airport. Remember, you have very little time left. It might not be reversible." She kissed my cheek gently and left.

I don't know what to do. I must suppress the desire to go to the airport that is growing inside me. I must be proud. I am the winner of this war. If I go... Oh God, what nonsense am I talking? What does pride have to do with love? The moment I thought I had found the love of my life, I lost it. Just like my mom lost my dad after finding him. I don't want our end to be like theirs. Maybe I don't want to lose Will for a lie. Maybe I wish I believed in a lie. I want to be wrong for the first time.

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