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   After getting into my car, I pondered on where to go first. While activities done alone might seem dull to many, spending time alone and enjoying my own company is one of my favorite hobbies. Perhaps I should go to a movie that's currently in theaters and then do some shopping.

   As I was checking the current movie listings on her phone, our housekeeper Ellie called. How odd? Without any delay, I answered. "Ellie?"

   "Suena, it would be good if you came home."

   "What happened? Is something wrong with my mom?"

   "No, no. Don't worry, please. It's not something like that."

   "Then what is it? Please tell me."

   "Well, she doesn't look very well. Ah! Please, without repeating myself, can you come quickly? I'll explain everything when you get home."

   "Okay, I'm coming right away."

   I sped home as fast as I could. "No, she says nothing happened to my mom. But at the same time, she's not well, telling me to come quickly, and also asking me not to worry? What kind of contradiction is this?" I arrived there within fifteen minutes. I hastily parked my car in front of the door and rushed inside. Forgetting to take my bag, and consequently my keys, I rang the doorbell and anxiously waited for the door to open. As soon as Ellie opened the door, I dashed inside. I ran into the living room.

   "Mom," I called. My mom wasn't there, and she didn't respond when I called. I turned quickly to Ellie.

   "Suena, please calm down. I told you there's nothing for you to worry about." "Where is my mom?"

   "She's in her room, but first, go upstairs with me."

   "What happened, could you quickly explain?"

   "Your mom came home half an hour ago, and she didn't look well. I hadn't seen her like this since your father's death. So, I immediately called you when I saw her like this." After she finished speaking, I thanked her and went upstairs to my mom's room.

   I knocked on the door, but there was no response. I entered the room directly. My mom was lying on the bed. When she saw me, she sat up. "Ooooh, who's cooome? Has my beautiful daughteeeer come?" I went and sat on the bed. "Mom, are you okay?" Besides reeking of alcohol, she was also drunk. Suddenly, she hugged me, "I've never been this gooood. I saw you, my baby. I'm sooo much betteeeer." No matter how hard she tried to sit up straight, it was clear from her words that she was drunk.

   "Shall I tell Ellie? So that she can prepare you some coffee..." I was interrupted. "I need to talk to you now." Oh, Mom, what was the need to drink so much? No, even if we talk now, you won't remember tomorrow.

   "First, drink your coffee, and then we can talk."

   "No!" Like a child with tied hands.

   "I want to talk now."

   "Okay, then. Let's do this. Let's talk first, then you can have your coffee and sober up a bit." Suddenly, she put her hands on my face and pulled me closer. I wasn't sure what she was doing.

   "When I first held you in my arms, I knew how wrong my decision was, but still, having you made me so happy. You resemble your father so much. Your laughter, your gaze, your affection, as much as I want to forget, you still remind me of him. But I still love you very much. But my conscience doesn't leave me alone. I really haven't done anything wrong. I didn't want it to be like this. But still, despite everything, I'm happy with you. Shouldn't it be like this? I'm sorry, my daughter. I'm so sorry. I told him not to do it. I said, let's wait, but he..." My mom started to cry.

   "Mom, okay, it's over."

   "But he made me promise. So, I really wasn't at fault. I swear."

   "Mom, please, let's talk about this when you're sober. I don't understand what you're saying, actually, I don't think you understand what you're saying either."

   "Maybe I can't forget because I don't want to forget. If I forget that moment, I'm afraid I'll forget everything. Yes, yes. I found it. That's why I found it." My mom, who was suddenly emotional, transitioned from tears to laughter. "I found it, Sue. Why would I forget? You shouldn't forget either. I haven't forgotten the promise I made a long time ago. My conscience doesn't leave me alone because I forgot. It was time. Don't you think it's time?"

   "Yes, Mom, it's time for you to sleep. Let's lie down," I said, putting her to bed. I covered her with a blanket, and after one last hug for my already almost fainting mom, I headed to the door.

   My mom wasn't well. It was clear she was hiding something from me. But while she was drunk, I didn't want to take advantage of her weakness and ask questions. As she said, when the time came, she would tell me whatever she wanted to. Before leaving, I heard her call out.

   "Sue, who was the handsome boy who brought you home the other day?" She was just murmuring to herself.

   "...Since he moved, I've seen him a few times. He keeps coming. He looks at our house and leaves. Do you have someone you're dating, and you're not telling me?" Although she was mumbling to herself, I heard what she said clearly. I left the room with a big smile.


   I had spent the night here because my mom wasn't feeling well. I called Lisa and informed her. She also took it maturely. Now, I was returning home. When I woke up, my mom had already gone to work. It saddened me not to see her, but knowing she was better now reassured me. I parked my car and went up to our apartment. While looking for the keys in my bag, I noticed someone moving into the opposite apartment. I'm not interested in such things, so I entered the house without paying attention.

   "Sue, is that you?" I turned to this familiar voice. What a coincidence.

   "Mr. Wilson?"

   "I didn't know you lived here."

   "I also didn't know you were moving here."

   "What a nice coincidence," I said yes and smiled. Was it really a coincidence? Anyway, I wasn't in a situation to dig into this right now.

   "Good luck to you. By the way, congratulations. I won't keep you."

   "Thank you. I'll invite you for tea sometime."

   "Sure, if I find the time, I'll come," I said, entering the apartment. Even though everything seemed chaotic, I didn't have to tie these coincidences to anything. I believe in fate, not coincidences...

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