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   "Yes, Lisa, how many times do I have to say it? We just kissed; nothing else happened."

   "Okay, I get it. You don't like that guy, but you're simplifying this situation so much that I can't understand it."

   "Are we going back to the beginning? Please, let's not start this again."

   "Oh, no, look, you're not really getting what I'm trying to say. This was your first kiss, Sue, and now you're telling me it was meaningless?"

   "Everything happened all of a sudden, and yes, as I said, it was meaningless." It was ten in the morning, and I had been telling Lisa everything that happened between Will and me for almost an hour. This conversation was getting on my nerves. Despite my hope that she would stop talking nonsense and return to our normal lives, she didn't stay silent. She continued, 'Sue, are you sure you don't like this guy?' Oh, she must be joking. Why? Why does she keep reopening the topic I want to close? No, if I tell her this, she will insist even more. So, for now, it's better to avoid it. Changing the subject, I said, 'Oh, forget about all this. Aren't you hungry? I'm starving. What do you say we order something?' Lisa, rolling her eyes because I changed the subject, said,

   "Oh, Suena, if only I could understand you. Anyway, if you want to, you can order. I have a prior commitment. I need to get ready and go out right away."

   "What commitment? This is our own home, our first breakfast. And you're telling me you have a prior commitment with someone else."

   "Sue, no need to dramatize. It's just a breakfast; I'll be back for all the other meals..." I cut her off, correcting her by saying 'first breakfast.'

   'Okay, I'm not here for the first breakfast, but I'll be here for all the other meal times. Come on, Suena, cheer up. Go out, have your breakfast outside. Then, it won't be our first breakfast. We'll do it together tomorrow. What do you think?' I didn't want to put Lisa in a more difficult situation.

   "Oh, that's a great idea. Okay, fine. I'll get ready and go out, but I won't forget this commitment of yours. We'll have our first breakfast together tomorrow." Lisa quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek, saying, 'I won't forget, I promise,' and went to get ready. I also got into the shower and started getting ready to go out. Lisa got ready quickly and left without wasting time. I got ready ten minutes later and drove to the cafe where I loved their breakfast. The road wasn't too long; I had arrived in about fifteen minutes. I parked my car and headed towards the entrance of the cafe. It wasn't very crowded inside. I sat at a two-person table by the window that I saw was empty. The waiter came and took my order. I ordered the classic breakfast menu. While waiting for my breakfast, I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

   I felt someone approaching my table. It must be the waiter. I raised my head and was shocked. It was him. The inspector who kicked me out of the restaurant the other day.

   "Um, sorry, I came here for breakfast, and when I saw you... Can I sit? There's something I need to tell you. It's not suitable to stand like this."

   At first, I couldn't figure out how to react. I had been fired because of this guy, and thanks to him, I didn't even have to write my own resignation. He raised one eyebrow, waiting for my response. 'Of course, please sit down. I'm listening,' I said, indicating the chair in front of me with my hand. The man sat directly in front of me. Looking into my eyes, he began to speak, 'Actually, I don't know where to start. When I think about my attitude towards you and what I did to you that day, you've been on my mind ever since. I am very sorry. Because of me, you had to leave your job. I can't do anything to make up for it, but hearing from you that you forgive me, at least maybe it can help me sleep at night.'

   I looked into his eyes. There was genuine remorse. There was a big difference between his attitude that day and his current state. There was no trace of his previous self, but on the other hand, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Whatever conscience he developed seemed to keep him awake at night.

   After careful thought, I replied, "Actually, your attitude that day wasn't very good..."

   "Normally, I'm not like that. I never belittle anyone. Everyone is equal to me. Please, go on."

   "As I said, I didn't like your attitude. But, in a way, you also saved me, I can say."

   The man was thoroughly surprised. 'What do you mean? I don't understand.'

   "It's a long story, but I can say this much. I had to resign for some reason after you, and thanks to you, I had a good excuse to resign without stating any reasons. Even better, I didn't even have to write my resignation letter."

   The man was flabbergasted. 'That's a good thing, isn't it?' For a moment, for some reason, I wanted to ease the man's mind. "What do you mean by a good thing? You unintentionally saved me. Or, we can even say you're my hero."

   The man smiled vaguely. Even now, he seemed remarkably handsome, hinting at the charm he might have possessed when he was younger. Despite his age, which I don't know, he was remarkably handsome. "In that case, I assume you have forgiven me." "Yes, no problem."

   At that moment, the waiter arrived and placed my order on the table. Looking at the man, I asked, "Sir, should we bring your orders to this table, or the one you were sitting at earlier?" "If it's convenient for you, bring them to this table," he nodded. After the waiter left, I added, "I'm not a fan of a single dish. Thanks for joining me." The man nodded his head vaguely again. The waiter brought his order, and after he left, we continued with our breakfast.

   As we were having our breakfast, the man started talking. "Actually, Sue, when I first saw you..." "Wait a minute, I don't remember giving you my name." I had thoroughly confused him.

   "Oh, sorry. We haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Jack Wilson. I saw your name on Gary's staff list, and it stuck in my mind. Also, I apologize. I addressed you directly as 'Sue.' Is that a problem?"

   "Oh, no, it's not. I'm sorry for interrupting. Please continue. No problem," I said. "As I was saying, when I first saw you, I was reminded of my first love. It was many, many years ago, and my irrational attitude towards you was somewhat because you reminded me of her." "So, that's why. It ended badly for you, apparently." The man smiled sadly, "She left me and went away. Left for good, never to return."

   "You seem like you haven't forgotten her. Mr. Wilson's eyes showed pain. He didn't answer my question. I didn't insist and changed the subject, "Where are you from? Your accent suggests you're American, but in America, it's not common to live there and not have an American accent." "I'm British. I moved to America after graduating from Oxford. I've spent my life in this country, I can say. You seem to be going to university. If you want, I have acquaintances at Oxford University. I can arrange for you to study there. It could be an opportunity to get to know a highly developed and beautiful country like England more closely. By the way, I'm serious. Consider it if you want."

   Sending my mom and me to England alone is impossible. "I had been to England on vacation before, and yes, it's a beautiful country. London is like a dream. But I have my family, friends, and a school I love here. Thank you very much for your offer. But I've already forgiven you. Don't even think about it."

   We finished our breakfast and asked for the bill. Despite my insistence, he didn't allow me to pay the bill. In the end, I thanked him and asked for permission, "Goodbye. It was nice to meet you," I said.

   "The same goes for you. Fate might bring us together again," I smiled. "Perhaps," I said, nodding, and I walked away.

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