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There was a strange silence and Tony watched Loki very closely. Doesn't he exaggerate a bit? I mean he doesn't let Loki out of sight for a second, and if I don't say a second, I mean that too.

While I was eating, I noticed how Loki looked at me from time to time and made a note of me, which was slightly creepy. When he saw that his eyes seemed slightly suspicious to me, he just grinned and continued to eat his casserole.

Somehow it annoyed me, that stupid grin that he had all the time. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him, which was actually not as difficult as I thought.


After a while, more and more people got up and left the kitchen without saying a word until only me, Loki, Thor and Tony were in the room. I noticed a tension between them and how they looked at each other impatiently, with the exception of Loki, who also looked a little tense, but could cleverly hide it.

This mood here makes me very nervous! In nervousness, my ears lay back and I crossed my legs under the table.

I sighed and slapped my hands on the table, which, as intended, drew the attention of the three to me "tell me, what's wrong with you? You look at yourself as if the world is coming to an end soon!" Thor and Loki looked at Tony who just nodded and buried his head in his hands. Loki grinned again and looked at me, shortly afterwards again to Tony "Am I allowed to talk to Y/n alone?" Loki asked and continued to grin as he looked at Tony meanly. Tony looked at him warningly "no way." He put his hands on the table "Tony..." Thor looked at him please then "we had talked about it..." Tony pointed his finger at Loki and spoke hysterically while he got a little louder "I won't leave her alone with him!" He looked at him disparagingly "who knows what the weirdo is up to..." But Loki just kept grinning and didn't notice anything that was actually very impressive.

Thor rubbed his hands and thought about a reason to persuade Tony to let Loki talk to me alone "It's for her safety's sake..."

My safety? Am I in danger or what exactly is this about, and why did Loki want to talk to me alone, couldn't Thor tell me that too?

Tony looked at Loki suspiciously for a while, but this thing seemed to be for her safety's sake to pull Tony, he looked Loki admonishing directly in the eyes "If you bend her even a hair..."

Actually, I would have liked to have jumped up now and said that I could also take care of myself, but probably that would not have been a good idea, at least not now.

Loki put his hand on his chest and grinned "don't worry, she's in the best hands with me."

Who believes it...

Tony looked at him strictly before he looked away from him and looked at me "and you take care of yourself..." I didn't do anything else and nodded briefly.

Loki got up and came over to me on the other side of the table "come with me." he said almost in a decisive tone. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, when I saw Loki walking out of the room, I felt a little queasy that I had to talk to him alone now. When I left the room behind him, he stood there and nodded to me, "Do you want to go a little?" With a hesitant look I shrugged my shoulders "from me..." he smiled and walked along one of the corridors, I just followed him and waited for him to say something. He turned his head to me and still grinned "Oh, and the next time you listen to me and my brother, make it more inconspicuous..."

I'm frozen for a moment, had he seen me? But then why didn't he say anything that evening?

Confused, I walked further next to him, my gaze on the floor. He noticed that and put his hand on my shoulder "don't worry, I'm not mad at you, even on the contrary, it was good that you noticed our conversation." I looked at the hand that lay on my shoulder, and then back to him "and...why the whole thing?" I asked with curiosity in my voice. He took his hand from me and looked at me, his look was softer as if he wanted to protect me or something like that "You don't know as much about yourself as you think little one." a slight goosebumps pulled over my body. I don't know as much about myself as I think? What does that mean?

"What do you mean by that?" I looked at him and for a brief moment he was silent until he started talking again "You're not a person, you can see that, but there's something else..." I listened to him and raised my eyebrow "something else?" He nodded and looked at my wolf-like stature "it is not unusual that inhuman beings also have supernatural powers." my eyes grew big. He doesn't want to tell me now that I'm a witch or anything like that.

He saw my look and smiled slightly "You have powers, and that's not exactly weak." he took a break "you have to learn to control them before they get out of control."

Wait wait wait, what?! Forces? Why didn't I know anything about it!? And why now? I've never had anything to do with magic or anything like that since I was in the world!

"Why didn't I know anything about it?!" He looked at me strangely before he left, meanwhile we were in a well-lit corridor that had many windows so that you could look at the campus that was in front of the tower. "Normally, signs of magical forces appear at a young age, but with you it seems to be very spied."

From that point on, I didn't understand anything anymore, now seriously? Magic? I'm supposed to master magic? Whoever believes it will be saved...

I sighed "what would happen if I didn't learn to master her?" I asked and looked out the window, I saw a few birds flying in the sky and people walking past the building with interest. When I looked at Loki, his grin had disappeared and he looked like he would immediately regret what he would say, he stopped and I with him. I stood diagonally opposite him and waited for a reaction.

He looked at the floor for some time and it looked like he was trying to sort and collect the individual words in his head correctly, at that moment he looked completely different, not those cold eyes or penetrating glances, but a look full of care and compassion.

He looked at me after some time, apparently he now knew what he wanted to say and turned to me with his whole body "You could die..."


I was silent. I could die...?

I took a few steps back, horrified I saw Loki who was also not enthusiastic about all this. My eyes became wet and I noticed how my pulse was getting faster "I...I could die...?" Loki sighed and stepped closer to me, with both hands he grabbed my shoulders and came with his face embarrassingly close.

He spoke with a soothing and clear voice while he looked into my eyes, but this time I tried not to look away, but observed my reflection in his blue eyes "But I can help you if you let me..."


Sharp teeth (Loki x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα