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All I heard was the soft breathing behind me...


It was so cold that I could see my breath myself. The quiet breathing behind me did not stop and I felt a rise of panic in me, the urge to turn around rose and I trembled all over my body. I could feel that the elevator was still moving, but much slower than usual. My ears twitched with fear and I pulled in my tail out of instinct. My grip on the railing did not let go and only became stronger. I tried to stay calm and tried a few breathing exercises, when I listened more closely again I noticed that breathing had stopped behind me, but the feeling of being observed remained. I wanted to move when I heard a dark and dangerous laugh, a shiver ran down my back...

No, I can't be discouraged, I had to turn around! I took a deep breath in and out, with a blow I let go of the railing and turned around, ready to stand opposite the person.

But before I could see anything, the light went on and the elevator moved at normal speed again. I looked around frantically, but nothing, no one was there.

I rubbed my head in the thought that I had just imagined it or had sunk into my daydreams again. But it had filled up too real for that...

I stood in a kind of shock until the door of the elevator opened, hesitantly I stepped out of the door and looked around, this feeling of being observed was still there, and it scared me. When I didn't see anyone, I walked slightly trembling in the direction of the workshop where Tony wanted to meet me.

When I opened the door, I saw Tony working on his Iron Man suit, it gave me a pleasant feeling of having someone around me that I knew, carefully I closed the door behind me and walked up.

"Hey Tony..." Tony looked up and looked relieved that I was there "Hey sweethart, that took longer than I thought." I didn't know if I should tell him about the incident, I think he was already stressed enough...

"Yes...I uhm..., was stopped on the way..." I said briefly so as not to appear too conspicuous. Tony frowned briefly when he finally pointed to a chair "please sit down..." I nodded silently and sat down, when Tony had also got a chair, he sat down and looked at me relatively seriously.

I beat my hands around the still lukewarm cup because I was still a little cold since I got out of the elevator "what did you want to talk to me about...?" I asked a little curiously, my ears pointed and ready to listen. Tony once took a deep breath "it's about Loki..." he started "look, since you live here you've become like a daughter for me, I've always tried to keep you out of dangerous situations, but this time I can't do that..." he stopped briefly and looked at me worried "And Loki is no fun with, I told you what happened here in New York back then..." while he spoke I nodded again and again to show that I understood it, I know exactly what happened then, after all he had told me at every opportunity. "And that his room will now be next to yours is not quite strange to me either..." he sighed "neverthess, I want you to keep yourself as far away from him as possible."

I looked at the floor and nodded, I could understand him, for me he has also become a kind of father and if something happened to him, I would never forgive myself.

Tony took my hands in his "you promise me that." he looked at me begging, I couldn't help but promise him not to approach Loki "promised."

I saw Tony look at the clock, my gaze followed him, it was already 13:37 and normally there would be lunch now. He got up and let go of my hand "come, I'm sure Wanda is already done with cooking." I smiled and stood up "what do you think she cooked today?" I asked him while we were running out of the workshop "Hm, I hope something with noodles!" I laughed slightly, and when he saw that I was laughing, he laughed with me. It was nice to hear him laugh and I immediately felt a little more comfortable.

But when we stood in front of the elevator door, my body cramped and I stopped, Tony looked over at me questioningly and took my hand "Hey? Is everything okay with you?" I stared at the door, then back to him "uh...could we maybe take the stairs?" Tony raised an eyebrow "I thought you hated stairs?" I smiled nervously to get a little looser "they're not quite that bad." that was a lie, secretly I hate walking stairs, but for nothing in the world I would go back into this elevator. Tony laughed lightly "if you mean." as if he went with me into the stairwell, which I was happy about. Even the fact that he didn't ask any questions reassured me. We started walking up the stairs, which wasn't quite as dramatic as I thought.

After an estimated 5 minutes we had made it and reached the dining room.

A smell of tomato sauce and parsley got into my nose. With a growling stomach, I went into the dining room and looked for a free place. Finally, I sat down next to Natascha and Wanda who greeted me kindly "Hey Wolfie." Wanda said and patted my head "Hello Wanda." Wanda smiled and pointed to the food that was already on the table "here I made your favorite food." I looked over the table and saw a pot full of spaghetti and next to it a smaller one with tomato sauce "Spaghetti!" I said like a little child and everyone had to laugh.

I was the first to take a plate full. My gaze wandered over the table and I saw that Thor was missing "Where is the Thor." I whispered to Wanda, this was just making a plate, she leaned over to me and whispered "he prepares the arrival for Loki..." I nodded "oh so"

It was briefly quiet at the table and when everyone had a plate they started eating, Peter looked up from his plate "and? What are you doing today?" Clint was the first to answer "I'm going to visit my wife and children later." Peter nodded and turned to Natasha "and you Nat?" She looked briefly surprised and swallowed down the last spaghetti "I'm going shopping with Wanda in the city." Wanda turned to me and nuched me "do you want to come with me?" I shook my head "no, I have to take care of the puppies." Natascha sighed and patted me on the shoulder "you need a babysitter." I laughed slightly and pushed another fork of spaghetti into my mouth "doesn't Nala care about it?" Asked Steve, who already had his plate, I swallowed the noodles quickly and had to laugh "that would be nice, only she still behaves herself like a puppy." Steve laughed easily and nodded comprehensibly.

Suddenly you could hear a loud trample from the outside. Thor. Everyone looked at the door when the thunder of God came stormed in, with his hammer in his hand he stood there and wore his armor "He is there."

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