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In the evening in my room, I thought about this cold look from Loki, he was cold and teaching, almost dead. I got weird about this thought.

I lay on my bed and listened to some music while the puppies were playing and Nala was sleeping.

I was bored but nothing new, I got on my nerves that the others were always on the road somewhere and I was just sitting stupidly in my room, well, after all, I also had the puppies and Nala that I had to take care of.

I sat up and looked around my room "what can you do alone?"

My eyes got stuck on a small box in which I kept all my CDs, that's it! I got up and ran onto the box that stood next to the dog food under the desk. I pulled it out and took off the lid. Kneeling, I took out two stacks of CD's, when the puppies saw that, it seemed as if they were suspecting what I was up to, squeaking, they came running and sniffed

The CD's. I laughed "do you want to watch?" They wanted to jump up on me and licked my hand, I stroked every time and then looked over to Nala who was still sleeping tight. I put a finger on my lips "shhh, not so loud..." I looked at the CD's and then again at the puppies "which one do you want to watch?" I whispered and pointed to the two stacks, the puppies caught the stacks to throw and dig through.

It took a while when I noticed that they had all clung to a movie. I took the film and looked at the packaging "Susi and Strolch?" I rolled my eyes and smiled "it was clear." I got up with the film and went to the CD player.

When I had inserted the film, I sat down on the sofa, but something was missing. I turned to the puppies "do you want to get some snacks from the kitchen with me...?" I asked and apparently they were happy, because they ran to the door and started scratching the door. I smiled and got up from the sofa again, when I arrived at the door I opened it and the puppies joyfully stormed out of the room.

"Hey! Wait for me...!" I ran after the puppies with quick steps. But for the fact that they are so small, they are already quite fast. In the end, I saw that the puppies had problems getting up the stairs. I smiled and went to the three to "Wait, I'll help you." I picked up one first and put halfway on my shoulder, I held the other two in my arms.

When I went up the stairs, I noticed how one on my shoulders tried to climb on my head "Don't fall down!" I bent forward a bit so that he had it easier and didn't go down much.

When I arrived at the top, I let the two down in my arms again, I quickly grabbed the one who was still turning around on my shoulders and also took him down from my shoulders.

Together we made our way to the kitchen, this time I was the one who ran in the front and the puppies who had to run after me. We walked through some corridors when I noticed that one of the puppies had stopped, it stood in the middle of a crossroads and stared at one of the corridors.

I quickly went to get the puppy, the others right behind me. I stood in front of the puppy and was just about to lift him up when my ear twitched through a noise next to me. I looked in the direction in which the puppy had been looking the whole time...

These dished hair and these clothes...

It was Loki who stood only one to two meters away in front of me, I cramped when I saw his cold eyes.

I wanted to quickly reach for the puppy, but when I looked down again he was gone, he ran right towards loki and my heart started racing. What if Loki does something to him?! But I couldn't just run there now either. I saw how the little one jumped up on Loki's leg and squeaked around, I expected him to push him away with his foot or even kick him away...

...But it wasn't like that, even on the contrary, he sat down and began to stroke the little one. The other two looked around the corner with interest, and when they saw Loki they also ran towards him, I just wanted to stop them but I narrowly missed.

I couldn't do anything but wait for what would happen, I also sat down and hid slightly behind a wall.

I watched him caress the three puppies and even smiled, so he didn't look like a murderer or someone dangerous...

I relaxed a bit and my tail tip even began to wobble with curiosity while my ears stand up attentively.

I watched the four for a while until I felt Loki's look on me, he looked at me very closely, especially my ears and my tail, his look was penetrating and somehow unusual. It seemed like he was seeing something I didn't see. My ears lay back and I tried to look as little as possible into his eyes. Which he apparently found very amusing.

I hid a little further behind the wall so as not to be so exposed to his gaze, it didn't take long for the three to come running back to me, I patted their heads "what were you thinking..?!" I got up from my squat position and looked again in Loki's direction before I quickly disappeared behind the wall towards the kitchen...

Sharp teeth (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now