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I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up I only saw the end credits of the film and the corresponding titles.

Yawning, I sat up and looked around, it was in the middle of the night. Searching, I looked at the sofa, where were the puppies? I got up and took a closer look around the room. Nala was still lying on my bed and was sleeping soundly. After some time when I still hadn't found the puppies, I started to worry.

I started to turn over every single pillow and every single blanket, and as quietly as possible. But nowhere did I see even a trace of them. I was frustrated and thought again exactly where they could be. Until I looked at my door, it was open for a small hour. Oh no, don't tell me...

I quickly ran towards the door and opened it, I stretched my head into the hallway and looked around. But not, mouse-quiet.

I carefully walked out of my room and quietly closed the door behind me.

With planned steps, I walked along the corridors and looked into those small columns and hoped to find the little ones again quickly. I became insecure when I hadn't found anything for half an hour.

I was just about to turn into another aisle when I saw light burning in one of the doors "Who is still awake at this time...?" I said to myself and went curiously to the door. In front of the door I hid around the corner and listened, I heard a voice I knew, it was Thor who didn't exactly succeed happily, but there was another voice that I also knew recently, Loki. I sharpened my ears and tried to understand what they were saying...

"You have to promise not to tell her...!" Thor hissed at his brother "The longer you hide it from her, the worse it gets...!" Loki hissed back "I saw that it will soon be too late...!" He continued to hiss in a harsh tone.

What are they talking about? What will it soon be too late for? I dared to take a look into the room and saw that Loki and Thor stood in front of each other.

Thor pointed to his brother and you could see that he was tense "she could put anyone in danger...!" Loki rubbed his forehead annoyed until he became louder "Do you want her to die, you idiot!?"

I kept looking back and forth between the two, who were they talking about?

But suddenly Loki turned his head in my direction and I quickly pulled my head out of sight. Did he see me?

"What is brother?" Thor asked, Loki frowned and shook his head "I thought I had seen something..."

Quietly tried to get a little further away from the door, which was not so easy. I turned around and ran straight into the next aisle. What were they talking about? Who could die soon?

An uneasy feeling filled my body.

But that was quickly interrupted again when I heard a noise not far from me, it sounded like the quiet growl and whistle of...small fluffy puppies! I quickly ran in the direction from which the noise came.

When I saw a door that was slightly open, I went to it and went to them, behind me I closed the door again and left the light out. I sneaked through the room and looked for signs that the puppies were in here.

A slightly dented blanket attracted my attention, slowly I sneaked up on it.

When I stood in front of the ceiling, I slowly picked her up and already three fluffy puppies jumped into my face "You only make nonsense..." I took her in my arms and wanted to leave the room again when suddenly someone turned on the light

"What are you doing here?" I was a little blinded by the sudden brightness and pinched my eyes, when my eyes slowly got used to it, I saw Natascha standing in front of me with her arms crossed. I laughed nervously "well..." I held the puppies to her and she seemed to understand what I meant, she stood at the doorstep and sighed "are you sure you don't need a babysitter or something?" I just smiled and nodded "I'm sure, I also don't like to leave the responsibility for the little ones to others." she just nodded and pointed to the door "well, but hush back to bed, have you actually looked at the clock?" With a fleeting glance at the clock, I saw that it was already 1:48 in the morning, yawning I walked towards Natascha and said goodbye.

With the puppies in my arms, I made my way back to my room.

How could the puppies even get out? I can still remember exactly that I closed the door the last time I was inside. Funny...

When I went down the stairs, I heard someone also come down the stairs in the stairwell, since I was already a little further I couldn't see who it was, but I got the feeling that it was Loki who was on the way to his room.

So I had to hurry up a little, because when he saw me he would certainly know that I had listened to him.

So I started to get faster, but my steps now echoed something, which I ignored. I was literally already running towards my room with the puppies.

When I arrived in my room, I closed the door behind me again and assured me that it was really closed this time. I walked a few steps away from the door.

A short time later I heard steps in front of my door, so I was right, it had been Loki in the stairwell! The steps stopped just outside my door and a small shadow formed on the floor. Briefly I was afraid that he would come in, but then he went on and the last thing I heard was locking a door, then it was quiet.

I took a deep breath a few times before I could relax.

I immediately brought the puppies into the basket and gave each of them a kiss on the forehead, with a small yawn they closed their eyes and I sighed relieved.

Fatigue overcame me and without much effort I threw myself on the bed next to Nala who had hardly moved since my absence and just closed my eyes. "well finally..." Once again, I just enjoy the rest and was ready to fall asleep again, which didn't take long if it was assumed that I had just half a worckout behind me...

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