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...They looked at him with big eyes "WHAT?!"


Tony looked angry, but not only he, but also the others were obviously not enthusiastic. But since when did Thor have a brother? He had never told me about one.

Steve was the only one who was still halfway relaxed "and for what reason?" He demanded that Thor know. Thor looked at Steve and he looked relatively relieved that finally someone asked so that he could explain everything, he once brushed his long blond hair before he started talking "My brother had an agreement with my father, he had to spend some time on Midgard, and if he does not cause disaster during this time, he gets his freedom"

"Can you even trust him?" Asked Natascha, who looked a little worried, Thor thought briefly and shook his head unknowingly "I'm not sure, to my knowledge he had promised not to do any mischief in the future."

Clint got up and looked at Thor in disbelief at "Are you serious?" He frowned "you want to bring the ass that tried to turn New York into rubble back here!" Natascha rolled her eyes and looked at Clint, she pulled up an eyebrow "turn yourself off just because you were the only one from the team who was hypnotized by him." Clint sighed and sat down again, he was still babbling something that no one seemed to hear.

"But Clint is right, it's not the best idea," said Bruce, who looked out from behind Steve.

Tony rubbed his head thoughtfully and sighed "And where exactly will he be taken if I may ask?" He looked at Thor who was still standing at the end of the table and desperately tried to decipher the babbling of Clint. Tony made an annoyed face "Thor!" Thor immediately raised his head back to Tony and looked at him asking "Where will he be taken?" Tony asked again. Thor looked at the table with a nervous mine "in the tower..." he said almost whispering.

Tony looked with an expression of dislike and incomprehension "how exactly do you mean "in the tower"?" Thor sighed and looked at "I mean that Loki must not be here without supervision, which means he must be brought into the tower here so that we can keep an eye on him"

Steve laughed sarcastically "so we're playing babysitter for Loki now?"

Loki? Something rang for me, that was exactly the guy who tried to conquer poor New York with an alien. Is he supposed to be Thor's brother? Never in life, they don't even look alike!

I leaned back into the chair and decided to just listen to the others and see what happened.

Tony doesn't seem to be able to quite put up with the thoughts that Loki should come into the tower, because his pitch changed drastically and he became louder "And who the hell just decided that?!" Thor became more serious, which even surprised me a little because he was usually rather the quieter type "Odin has decided and no one is above the decisions of the all-father." Tony laughed ironically and stood up from his place "this is my tower, I cut who comes in here and who doesn't." he made a mocking face "After this fir tree had destroyed my building so much, he can be glad that I didn't let him receive a bill."

Thor just wanted to counter but he only sighed "we should at least give him a chance to improve." now it was everyone who looked at Tony expectantly.

Tony rolled his eyes and looked at him annoyed "and where should we please put him?" Thor thought when Bruce spoke up "next to Y/n's room there is another one free." Tony looked at him from the side and hissed "you're serious..." Tony looked at Thor who had apparently heard what Bruce had said "Please Tony, I still believe that there is still something good in Loki."

Natascha made a kind of kink with her head "He killed 80 people in 2 days." Thor made an indifferent face and looked at Natascha almost seriously "He is my brother, even if only adopted." he took a break and said in the round "We should at least try."

Tony sighed and closed his eyes briefly to think, there was silence, everyone looked at each other questioningly as they waited for Tony's verdict. Some time passed when he finally opened his eyes again and looked at the floor "When will he come?" Thor thought "about tomorrow evening." Tony sighed again and waved his hand. "Well...but if he makes even the slightest prank, I swear to you that I will throw him out vertically..." Thor smiled slightly and nodded gratefully.

"You can go again now." Tony closed the door before he left, however, he turned again around "eight and Wanda, please take care of Loki's room." I heard Wanda sigh.

A short time later, everyone had left the room and I was the only one who was still there. I was still thinking about what had just happened. I didn't know Loki, I had only heard stories from him in which he was always described as malicious and dangerous.

I looked at the clock and saw that we already had 21:36, I stretched out once and got up from the chair. With a small whistle I already heard the tapping of dog paws coming out of a door at the end of the room, Nala came running towards me with the puppies on her back and I saw that the little ones were already sleeping. To make it a little easier for Nala, I took one of the puppies from her back and put it in my arms "Come on Nala." With these words we made our way to my room.

—[Time scip]—

Later when we were in my room, I put the little ones in the basket with the help of Nala, I watched Nala lay around her in a protective position and also closed her eyes. I stroked her again before I got up.

I quietly went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I looked at myself briefly in the mirror and saw my Wolf's ears shining in a black/blue shine. At that time I didn't find it beautiful and was bullied because of it, also because of my black. But since my 18th birthday it's been a little different, now I find it stunning and would never want to give it away. But still I had the feeling that something was missing...

But I didn't worry about it now and started washing my face. I quickly put my hair together into a dud and brushed my teeth. When I went out of the bathroom, I ran straight towards my wardrobe and rummaged out with a few sleeping clothes, I put on black sweatpants and a gray oversized T-shirt. I quickly walked to the light switch that was stupidly attached to my wall at the other end of the room and turned off the light. When I was lying in bed, I only realized how tired I was.

After I closed my eyes, it didn't take long for me to fell asleep ...

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