chapter 20

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It has been three weeks since the challenge and everyone has been reunited with their families. Other creatures that had no family or just wanted to stay did. Having two packs was far too much for me and Caster so Valley Green will pass to Flint who happened to find his mate 2 or As we found, her name to be Livia. Her freak out was similar to mine but they are doing good. 22 or Asha, her mother and father had passed and so she stayed with me and Caster. The rest of the numbers were given places and accommodations in the pack.

"Would you not climb up so High." Casters worried voice came from the bottom of the ladder.

"I am not going to break, just putting up this sign." We were decorating for Arrah and Vincent.

"You have precious cargo!" His voice still worried.

When the doctor took my blood three weeks ago we found out I was pregnant. coincidentally So was Arrah and Livia. We had a really busy three weeks. Caster was so protective and Asha was super excited. I kept a secret from everyone though I had not one but two babies. And so help me if Caster found out before the birth I would never get anything done. I would be under lock and key.

Three walked into the room. We found out his name was Lex but he said three is his name. We made him Our betta.

"So, everyone is almost here. This is a big baby shower." Three said.

"Izzy, Izzy," Asha came running into the room excited.

"What?" I asked

"I talked to the white coat guy and he said the date lines up with my birthday. So that means you're having a girl because I'm a girl."

"Not sure that's how it works but you could still have a sister. But someone is keeping it a secret." Caster knelt down to Asha.

"Not going to be pressured into telling." I said.

The good thing about wolf pregnancies is they were shorter than humans. So it's been almost a month and it could be 3-4 months depending on factors and how fast the pup/pups grow. And boy did I grow fast. I was showing, which normally happens at 1 1⁄2 months I went and sat in my chair and then heard the door. It was Arrah and Vincent. She came into the room and sat on the couch next to me.

"Dang, you look huge already, must be the..." She stopped herself and I shot her daggers. "Anyway, how are you?"

"Nope, go back." Caster caught on.

"What?" Arrah said.

"Must be the what?" Caster asked.

"The... fact.. That she... um... Is such a powerful wolf that the babies are growing so fast." She said.

I face palmed with both hands shaking my head. She said babies.

"Babies? Plural? Like more than one? Not just one baby? How many?" he started questioning. "Why were you on the ladder?" turning the focus on me.

I turned to Arrah "I won't be allowed to breathe on my own now. Thanks."

She started laughing so hard trying to gasp out sorry. Caster is still freaking out. Now trying to put a pillow behind my back.

"You did this" I accused Arrah. "You. did. This."

"Okay we can handle this. How many kids?" Caster asked.

"We are having twins calm down." I calmly spoke

"I'm going to have two baby sisters?" Asha yelled

"Or brothers. Or a brother and a sister." I informed her.

"I am going to be the best sibling ever." Asha giggled

"Yes you are you little munchkin." Caster picked her up and swung her around.

It's hard to believe how much one's life can change in such a short time. I was starting to live life and it was great every twist and turn. I led a small group of children for years and now I am there sanctuary. The others that stayed were welcome. I had two beautiful babies. Carter and Clair. Carter will be the next alpha.

Both kids have powers Caster found out when he heard something coming from the nursery. Turns out both shifted into little wolves. Caster was black at night and Clair was white. They were adorable.

We have had more creatures show up for sanctuary and are growing as a pack. I had a dragon come to me last week because her son got a wolf pregnant and the dragons wanted to get rid of the pup so we took the three of them in and the wolf is getting ready to give birth.

Me and Caster lived very happily with no other problems. We had 5 beautiful children all with extraordinary talents. The twins help run all the rescue and pack related things. And life is great.

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