chapter 16

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I woke up in the morning slightly sore. Caster had his arm around me keeping me close to his chest. I must have moved because he shifted behind me. His breathing changed and I knew he had woken up.

"Good morning." he said, sticking his face into my neck. "We have a long day ahead of us."

I groaned remembering the rest of the world. I never want to leave this bed. I want to stay with him here forever. I turned my face into a pillow. I rolled over and got out of bed. I walked over to my bag of clothes. I pulled out the black dress. I started to change and get ready for the ball.

"Flint is going to the meeting. I need to tell him what happened last night. He missed a lot." Caster said, coming up from behind me kissing my neck.

"Let's get dressed and head down, get some breakfast and go from there." Caster says.

He helped me zip up the dress. I sat down to put on my shoes and he went to his bag and pulled out clothes for himself. He put on a black button down shirt and black pants. He looked really good, all professional.

We left the room and headed to meet Flint in the kitchen. I was kind of freaking out. What if we ran into Arkin? Would having him as an alpha in the room hurt our plan? We get to the door to the dining room and go in. If this room was meant to sit a bunch of Alphas, Lunas and some betas, they were crazy.

"It's their family dining room, the meeting will be held in another room. This one is private." Caster answered without me asking.

I shot him a confused look and just when I was about to speak Flint walked into the room with Ellie and Alastair.

"So I just heard a crazy story, Is it true or not?" Flint askes directed to Caster.

"Yeah, Apparently he is here." Caster said.

He turned very serious, he was still mad at what happened at the dance.

"This is what I get for skipping, I should have been there. I should have done something." Flint shook his head, then turned to me, "One I am so sorry I was not there. I should have done something."

"You had no way of knowing I sure didn't. Besides, I handled myself fine." I replied.

"It was great you handled yourself so well, and then he pouted like a child when he realized he couldn't take one because she was marked." Alastair laughed.

"I kind of wish I saw..." Flint paused for a minute, and looked at me, "You marked each other! When did that happen?"

"Like halfway through the ball. We had to do something after she saw him so..." Caster explained.

"Why didn't you link me? I would have been there in no time at all." Flint complained.

"Well whatever we could have done, doesn't matter, it's over now." Alastair interjects.

"We need to discuss what we are going to say in the meeting,the one that is in an hour." Caster says sitting to eat.

We sat around the table and went over everything. What we were going to do, what we were going to say. We argued a little on if we should tell anyone what me and the others could do. Everyone had a different opinion on whether or not I should say anything or not. It got very heated. We decided not. I however disagree. I think I should be 100% honest.

We finished eating with 12 minutes to spare to get to the conference room. We were maybe the 4 or 5 group to arrive and we took our seats. The room was square with a large round table. Maybe 30 seats in total with chairs for those who wouldn't be at the table. It was just like what was described to me.

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