chapter 15

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We made our way down the halls in silence and Caster held on to me so tight. Without him I feel as though I would fall and go right through the floor. I have this overwhelming feeling of Power mixed with fear, and a little dread thrown in for fun. It felt like an eternity but we made it back to our room. Caster turned the knob and let me into the room.

I walked in first and Caster walked in after and passed me. I shut the door. Then I gave out. I pushed my back against the door and slid down on the floor. I was so overwhelmed with so many different emotions. I felt like I couldn't breath, then like given the ability to breath Caster sat with me and put his arm around me. I inhaled deep and slow, the control he had over me was unreal.

I shook my head and I faced Arkin and I won the battle. I had so many things I was thinking about. Caster marked me and Arkin tried to take me back, The meeting tomorrow and saving my friends. I had no clue what questions to ask first.

"Let's get you in bed" Casters voice was in my ear.

He stood up first, holding out for me. I took his hand obediently. He lifted me up from the floor and pulled me in. I looked up to see his face. every thought I had vanished from my mind. All I could focus on was his face, his touch felt more intense, his scent was intoxicating, like it was the only thing I craved in the world.

He shifted his stance, he looked puzzled. I was waiting for his move, I was hypnotized into following his lead. He started to move closer then stopped and moved away. I was longing for him to come back. I looked down at the floor.

He moved suddenly and I looked up in time to see him. He cupped my face in his hands and then His lips were on mine. The shock made my whole body tense, everything he did was now in slow motion. I relaxed and then my legs began to give. He broke the kiss for a half a second and picked me up and held me to him with my thighs. Then he placed his lip right back on mine.

He carried me across the room, drawing close to the bed still holding me. He climbed onto the bed laying me gently down pinning me underneath him. I was trapped and he started kissing me again. Now one arm is bracing himself up, the other trailing down to my hip. I gasped slightly as he grabbed my hip. I was in a trance, unknowing what was about to happen but surrendered completely.

I reached my arm up and traced my fingers in his hair. He moved from my lips to kissing my neck and then where he put his mark I gasped once again and my back arched. This sensation was more intense than anything I had ever felt in my whole life. He then pulled himself off slowly. Heavily breathing, he closed his eyes and tipped his head back.

"Sorry, that was completely wrong of me." Caster breathed "I lost control for just a moment."

"I'm fine." I gasped, I hadn't realized how out of breath I was.

"I shouldn't have though." Caster shook his head.

"Why?" I asked with more annoyance than I ment.

"After everything that just happened, that was the last thing I should have done." Caster said.

"I read the book. I know it's normal, don't feel bad, please." I countered.

"You shouldn't do it just because a book told you to." He ran his hand through his hair.

"I am fine. I just told you. Why are you not listening to me?" I replied, getting frustrated. Turning into concern, "You put yourself in danger, trying to get me to not read the book."

"You shouldn't have to feel pressured or obligated to do anything." Caster replied "I am okay"

"Because you had to mark me I was planning on confronting you after the dance. Because doing that to yourself is stupid." I confessed. "From the first moment I met you to now I noticed a difference then after you marked me you became better."

"That wasn't a good enough reason to put you in that position." He countered.

"That wasn't good enough of a reason, your health wasn't a good enough reason?" I was now very frustrated. "I can't tell you why, but what if I want to? Actually, No, I want to."

I guess I said the magic words because he moved across the bed and kissed me and was almost twice as aggressive as he was before. I am fully committed now. I was grabbing at his back holding on to his shirt. He backed away and took it off. I took a deep breath and pulled him back into a kiss. He was now pulling at the back of my dress. He unzipped it and pulled it off. I pushed my shoes off and they hit the floor.

He laid me down on my bead and began kissing his way down to my stomach. I tipped my head back. I had never felt like this before. He got off the bed and unbuckled his pants and took them off. He climbed over and started kissing my thigh. It sent waves through my body. He moved back to my lips as he grabbed my thigh tightly.

I put my hands on his chest, he pulled back and looked down at me. His eyes were slightly worried. I shook my head slightly and trailed my hands up to his face and pulled him down for a quick kiss. He grabbed my waist and rolled us over. I was now on top.

I straddled over his lap. He put his hands on my hips and gripped tightly. I leaned down to kiss him. He pulled off my bra and now I was almost in full view of him. He started to slowly rock me up against him. I leaned back down to kiss him some more. He then rolled over again so he was on top.

"You can say stop at any time you know that right. Just say the word and I will stop." Caster reiterated.

"I don't think I can." I replied.

I really didn't want to stop.

He started rubbing up against me. His grip on my hips became tighter. I was never going to tell him to stop. I was feeling things that made me lose any control I had to begin with. I was giving myself completely to this man. I had only met him days ago. I feel as though it was a lifetime ago. I trust this man completely.

I grabbed his hair as he broke the kiss and lightly bit over his spot. Making me slightly yelp out. He laughed and kissed me all over. He reached down and rubbed me. I couldn't control myself and moaned and arched my back as he continued to do what he was doing. I tried to push his shoulder because it was overwhelmingly good. But I didn't want him to stop. He reached his arms and pinned both hands above my head.

"You want me to stop?" He moaned.

"No." I breathed, he took my breath away.

"I am going all the way." He smiled.

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