Chapter 4

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 After a while we filled a basket bottom full of jeans Arrah thought I would like. We then made our way to the fitting rooms to try on the clothes.

"Just try something on and open the door and if you like it we will put it back in the basket, if it doesn't fit or you don't like it we will put it on this rack." Arrah explained.

"Okay." I nodded

I went into the small room and began to change my pants. I took off the ones I was wearing. Looking at the ones I was wearing they looked horrible. We only got new ones when they were either too ripped or too small. I have had this pair of sweats for almost 2 years. And wore them every day. They definitely looked like it.

I came out with the first pair on and they were actually really comfortable. They were a lot tighter than my sweats but other than that they were nice.

"Do you like those?" Arrah asked.

"Yeah, they feel nice." I stated.

"You also look nice in them." Arrah complimented

We spent the next few minutes deciding between 30 pairs of jeans. We decided on about 10 of them and put the others back. We then moved onto shirts and she grabbed blouses, t-shirts and tank tops for me to try. She decided on getting me the same t-shirt in every color they had. We picked out like 12 blouses that looked nice, as well as 15 different collared shirts and tank tops.

We then crossed the store. And then she started looking at different packages of underwear.

"Any style you like?" Arrah looked at me with a package in each hand.

"There are multiple styles" I asked unsure of how to answer.

"Doesn't matter, we can just get a bunch of different ones for you" She turned to face the wall again.

She started tossing different colors and styles into the cart. They all had different things on then as well. Boyshorts, hipsters, bikinis, and thongs. I had no idea what they all ment. Once she seemed fine with her choices she then led me to another part of the store.

"Okay, I need to measure 2 more things on you. Hold your arms like this" she said, holding her arms out to the side.

I did as she said and she measured what she needed and then started handing me bras off the shelf each one a little different then the last. Once deciding on which ones were comfortable to wear we headed for the counter and on the way she grabbed some socks as we passed.

"Did you find everything you needed?" The lady in front of us asked.

"I believe we did," Arrah replied.

The lady began checking all the tags and such then putting them in bags. Arrah's grabbed a flat brick with lights out of her bag and a few moments later Vincent walked into the store, He came over and helped grab all the bags we had accumulated.

"Alright, the total today is 1,134.23" she said with a smile

Arrah handed her the card Armin gave her and the lady swiped it on the computer. She then handed back the card to Arrah. Taking it from her Arrah smiled and she led me back to the door.

"Next stop shoes." Arrah told vincent.

We drove further down the road to another door. This time Vincent Followed us in. This store had rows going across it with different shoes. We walked to the far side.

"What color do you like for tennis shoes?" Arrah motions to the rack.

"I don't know." I replied "how about black?"

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