chapter 9

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The water was relaxing and nice. When I got out I wrapped myself in the towel Caster gave me. I didn't have clothes to change into. I walked around the bathroom nothing. I cracked the door open.

"Caster?" I asked.

"Everything okay?" He asked

"I don't have clothes. I said.

"Hold on, let me look."He walked away.

I heard drawers and closet doors along with rustling. It took him about 2 minutes and he walked back with a black shirt and black sweatpants. He held out the clothes closed to the crack in the door.

"Here they might be a bit big." he said

"Thanks" I smiled.

I put the clothes on and they smelled like caster .They were indeed baggy on me. The black short sleeve shirt hung down to my mid thigh and the sleeves hung on my arms. The sweat pants were about 5 inches too long and at least the tie kept them up.

I walked out the room and saw Caster sitting on the edge of the bed. He had the couch all made up. I made my way over to the couch.

"Wake me up if you want the bed." Caster said, climbing into the bed. "Good night"

I pulled the blanket up "Good night".

I was walking down a hall with 2,3,4, and little 22 holding my hand. My face is still wet from the fresh cut across my cheek. From where Arken had slapped me. We headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I can't believe you said that to him!" 3 shook his head. "Do you ever think before you speak?"

"3 is right One what were you thinking." 2 shook her head.

"It's not like he will do anything one is his favorite." 4 said, "But damn do you push him One."

"I know how far I can push before he loses it," I said.

"Yeah the cut across your face says 'I know my limits'." 3 sat down.

A large guard walked into the room, he was the worst of them all and I knew how to push his buttons. He really hated me, but Arken wouldn't let him ruff me up too bad.

"Hey! Everyone listen up. Everyone only has ½ lunch today then back to the gym. One and 22 you're coming with me." He looked at me with a malicious grin.

We walked down the hall to Arkens' office. Those wooden towering doors always ment trouble. They slowly opened and sitting at the desk was Arken. He was looking down at some papers on his desk. He looked up and smiled.

"One, 22 come in and sit down." Arken gestured to the chairs on the other side of his desk. "One we need to talk about your attitude, you are my best wolf, strong and deadly, but you need to start being obedient. The others look up to you and admire you. If you are out of line they are too."

"I know their training is important but sir I will stand up for them that's why they look up to me. I promised to protect them the best I can." I said respectfully. "But even if I protest I still do what's needed."

"I know that's why you are my number one." Arken said, "but I need strong wolves and they need a captain, you are my choice. Remember though your captain But i am Alpha."

"Yes sir." I said

"22 you are not progressing like I would like you to. Try harder or I will kill you." Arken turned to 22.

"No." I said.

"One," He said. His voice warned.

"I will help her get on par." I corrected myself.

Arken got up and slowly made his way around the desk. He stood between 22's and my chair. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"I am not afraid to do what's necessary, I have witches, wolves, vampires, and even some dragons." he straightened up. "I would be okay losing a few wolves."

I jolted awake and was breathing heavily. I was sitting up on the couch. I heard a noise and saw Caster rush from the bed to the couch next to me.

"Hey are you okay? Do you need anything?" caster asked

He grabbed the blanket and put it on my shoulders and pulled me into his side trying to calm me down. Which worked because his scent and touch soothed me so much.

"I'm fine, bad dream." I said.

"What was it about?" He looked concerned.

"Something bad." I said.

"Obviously something bad I meant what happened in your dream." He asked.

I shifted a little bit because I didn't want to talk about Arken and what he had done. I shrugged unsure of what to say.

"It's okay." he said, "do you want to go back to bed?"

"Yeah," I shook my head.

Caster let go of me and instantly I wanted it back. I reached up and grabbed his arm. I wanted him to stay. He looked at me.

"Sorry I don't know what I'm doing" I said.

"What is it?" He asked

"I liked you holding me, it felt nice." I looked at the ground.

Sneaking a glance up I could see him smiling. He reached for my hand and I took it. He pulled me up off the couch and pulled me towards the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed unsure of what to do next. He crawled up on the other side of the bed and grabbed my waist and pulled me over to him on the bed. My back was pressed up against his stomach.

This was the most comfortable I have ever been. He reached and put his arm over my stomach.

"Is this okay?" He asked, I could feel his breath on my neck.

I shook my head yes, I looked into the dark room and slowly felt my eyes close.

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I was still in Caster's arms. I shifted slightly and looked around. His room was about 3x the size of the one I was in. Caster shifted and his grip on my waist tightened a bit.

"Good morning," His voice was soft.

I rolled over to look at him in his face. His hair was falling in his face. He propped his head up on one of his arms.

"Good morning," I replied.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, smiling.

"Wonderfull." I said..

"Good," he replied.

"What now?" I asked.

He looked at me as if contemplating what to say.

"Want to go for a run?" he said.

"Sure." I could use it.

We snuck off to the bottom of the stairs. And headed outside. The second we hit the tree line Caster took off running deeper into the forest. I laughed and took off after him. Tailing right behind him

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