Just as she was turning back to human, she noticed someone, a figure approaching so she quickly covered her naked body with her clothing, not fully dressing herself in case the other person decided to leave her alone.

"Hope? Is that you?"

Josie called out in the darkness, after recognising the familiar white wolf, that usually scouted the forest at night. In fact, Josie's father was the one who had trained Hope to turn and release her energy by running in the forest instead of initiating harm on other students and the brunette knew that, she was not in danger nor feared Hope in that state.

"Uhh, yeah-
Give me a sec..."

Josie turned her head away shyly, once she realized the auburn was upon dressing her self after turning back to her human form, giving her some privacy.

"What are you doing wandering the forest at this time? You know, not all wolves are as domesticated as you'd think."

"Good thing I stumbled upon you then.
I just needed some air."

The brunette sighed as she slowly walked closer. Hope was dressed with her school shirt that she tucked under a coat to keep her warmer after the cold air had embraced her naked body under the moonlight.

"Studying getting a bit much, huh?"

"I wasn't in any classes today, thought you'd notice."

"Oh. Yeah, right. Sorry I was somewhat dealing with my own stuff today."

"Well, it's not just you that's dealing with stuff."

"What do you mean?"

"My sister, Hope.
Seems like you forgot she was attacked today."

"She'll make it through, as long as she has you."

"Thanks, I guess. What's going on then, with you?"

"Nothing, just issues.."

"Great. What an enlightening answer."

The brunette released another sigh, this time she felt as if the Mikaelson was shutting her off again, which in fact she did more often than not.

"I've already led you on more than you should probably know these last few days."

"And was it really that bad?
What about all those promises at my house, Hope?"

"Those were..."

The Mikaelson thought deeply in her head. She could sense that this meant a lot to the brunette, but she couldn't exactly offer her the emotional stability that she needed, at least not right now, not under those circumstances. And she felt the guilt, weighing her down.

"We should probably discuss that another time. I actually have to go somewhere.."

"See. I hate this."

Josie paused, taking one more step closer.

"I hate not knowing what you are up to. One moment you open up to me, make me feel like for once I actually matter to you and the next you completely shut me off.
Which one is it gonna be, Hope?"

"It's Landon, Josie.
The boy who hurt your sister.
I don't think you'd really care about what's gonna happen to him and his future,
do you?"

"If it's important to you, then I do care."

"Don't give me that.
How can you possibly not want revenge for you sister after everything that happend?"

"Because she's alive.
And believe it or not I am actually on your side, Hope."

"I thought you didn't do sides."

"That's before you..."

The brunette bit her lip momentarily.
Trying to read Hope and her actions was like a fucking riddle. The girl was far too complicated and indecisive to begin with.

"Before you said those things that night."

"I shouldn't have said those things."

"You don't have to be scared. You and I both know that you meant those words."

Josie reached out, slowly and gently taking a hold of Hope's cold hand.
The warmth and the intimacy of the action giving them both a wave of electricity.

"I don't wanna make things more complicated.."

The Mikaelson gazed lovingly at Josie's fingers, entangling hers in their warmth. Her mind sheered away from images she didn't want to dwell on. The last time she ever loved someone like this, she lost them tragically and death had knocked on her door more times than she'd like to admit.

"You don't have to do anything other than let me in. And I promise you..

I'm not going to leave your side.
I'm not gonna give up on us.

Whatever it takes."

Kindred Spirits In Revenge | Hosie Where stories live. Discover now