Blair was on top of the cubbies in a fit of laughter with a red, empty paint jug next to her. Wait, what if a liquid contains water.. Wouldn't that still make me turn? I snatched the jug away and scanned over the ingredients. Calcium, carbonate, talc, and WATER?! I dropped the jug, then ran.

"Hey! Get back here!" Blair yelled, apparently running after me. Just as I was out of sight, from the room's point of view, I heard the teacher yell "what happened?" As for she must have been trying to get new paint from the back rooms.

My feet pounded against the ground, my legs began to feel weird and tingly. I'm gonna change! But I definitely can't do that in front of Blair. I looked to my left just in time to see a janitor's closet. Thinking fast, I yanked the door open and ran inside, shutting the door behind me. There was no lock on the door, at least that doesn't require a key. I had to hold it shut.

I got into a stance to keep my legs planted into the ground, gripping onto the handle tight. I felt Blair wiggle to door knob. "Ugh! Dang it, Skylar! What's your problem?!"

"U-uh nothing!" I shouted back. Man I hope a teacher doesn't hear or see this. I don't want them to kick me out when I'm about to-

I gasped, falling down. Seeing the bright colors again. "Then why are you hiding in a janitor's closet- what are you doing in there?" She must have heard me fall.

"Nothing!" I gripped the door the best I could. I couldn't get the best hold from being on the ground.
She tugged onto the door one last time.

"Bad time bad time." I grumbled to myself.

"Fine! You wanna be more of a freak than you already are and hide in a janitor's closet?! Fine by me. It'll just be something to tell everyone else!" She hit the door, her footsteps slowly fading into the distance. I released the door knob, sighing.

I looked down at my tail, red covering my entire body. I wiped more paint that was making a bee line for my eyes. "Okay, they have to have some sort of cloth or towel I can use to dry off with." I scanned over the small room until my eyes landed onto something white in the corner. I grabbed it, pulling it I front of my face, I see it's about a medium sized towel.

"Thank goodness." I sighed, rubbing my tail down good. Most of the paint had dried on me, so I wouldn't think that would interfere with any transformations. Soon, the familiar bright colors appeared. Swirling circles around my tail, with a bright flash, my legs returned.

I jumped up, my legs felt like they were asleep. Probably an effect from the transformation. I poked my head out the door, scanning the hall. It seemed empty, I sneaked out the door, shutting it behind me as quietly as possible.

I went back to Art class, right as the bell rang. Everyone pushed by me to get out the door. I grabbed my bags, stuffed my work away in my cubby, and went out the door.

"Hey! What happened?" Noah came up from behind me.

I looked down to my now red clothes, tugged at the neck of the shirt. "Blair dumped red paint on me." I frowned.

He seemed slightly shocked, then it was replaced by anger. "Okay," he sighed, anger fading down. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He grabbed my wrist.

I gasped. "No!" I pulled away. He turned to look at me seeming confused.

"Uh, no. It's okay, Noah. We're going home now, I can get myself cleaned up there. Bye!" I walked away. Noah didn't stop me, he just stood there dumbfounded.

Ugh! What's wrong with me? If someone mentions anything with water, my mind goes blank and I don't know how to keep my cool without people looking at me like I'm crazy!

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