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Two weeks ago...

Location: Spain.🇪🇸
Time: 3:36 PM

Isabelle politely walked into the office and stood in front of him,
"Mr President, you called me," she said,

"Of course, I did...excuse us," he said and all his bodyguards walked out of his office. The moment they left, he asked her to take a seat.

Isabelle sat down without feeling any nervous because she secretly worked for the president of Spain

"I'm sure you'll be surprised I called you here today,"

"Yes Mr President, it's been two years," she said.

"Of course. I'm sure you're aware a position like this I certainly cannot invite friends over anytime I want,"

"We aren't friends Mr President, I only work for you,"

"And do you think I'll trust my enemy with the kind of job I give you?"

"As long as you pay, you can send even the devil on errands,"

Mr president smiled on hearing this,
"Last week all American and European countries had a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to figure out which country gets to keep a very, very powerful device. Now I know you'll be wondering what device I'm talking about and I'm not going to tell you. But what I can tell you is this device could end lives and no one knows about it, except those in presidential sits. This device is worth nine trillion dollars, and with this device, we can control the whole of America and Europe. At the end of the meeting, we all concluded that the device would be kept in an unbreakable safe in Germany, and the key to the safe would be handed over to the president of the United States of America, I want you to get me that key,"

"This sounds like hard work,"

"I know, which is why I'm going to pay you a hundred million dollars, for that key,"

On hearing this, Isabelle looked at him curiously,
"A hundred million dollars?"

"The device is worth nine trillion dollars, surely it won't cost me a dime to pay you such an amount of money if I have this device in my hands,"

"But... I don't know, how will I do it, I'll have to figure out where he keeps the key then I'll have to break into the White House, which is not going to be an easy thing for me or anyone, it's almost impossible,"

Mr President stood up and walked to Isabelle, then he looked her in the eyes,
"You'll figure out a way to get me that key, how you'll break into the white house, not my business," he said and headed back to his seat, "Now leave, meeting is over,"

Isabelle stayed where she was for a short while, then she slowly stood up, picked up her bag from the desk and headed out, just as she was about to open the door, the president called her. She turned and looked at him, and then he said, "Don't fail me,". After he said this, she opened the door and walked out of his office.

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