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Gulf was sitting on a couch and starring at khaotung. "Explain!!! " Gulf said looking at khaotung who was confused and had no idea about what is going on. Gulf kept staring at khaotung for a minute then the realisation hit him. "Don't tell me you blacked out...." Khaotung stand there looking down as it was true he had no memory of yesterday night.

"My little brother... Gulf's brother is a lightweight? OMG!!!" Gulf said mockingly. "P' don't you remember the time when p' mew dropped you home because you dozed off. He even.. " Khaotung said immediately but he stopped when he realized what has he done. Gulf was already angry and now when khaotung has mentioned something he shouldn't Gulf will never let it slide.

"But I didn't came home covered in vomit. Nor did I vomited on someone else.. " Gulf was talking but khaotung interrupted and said "I thrw up on someone? When? Where? How?" Gulf with a evil smile responded "who else? Your white knight in shining armor... Our neighbor" Khaotung shouted in shock "p'mew???? ". Gulf took a pillow from couch and threw at khaotung. " No, your pao... Nong First" After hearing these words from Gulf khaotung's whole body froze. He sat down on the floor covering his face.

Anyone might think he is embarrassed because he  behaved like that in front of his enemy. But it wasn't that he was embarrassed because he couldn't get over the fact that he vomited on first, even worse he couldn't remember anything. He was sure that first hated him but now the left 0.01% chance to get together is also gone. First would never like someone like that, right? How will he face first again? Khaotung can now no longer act all rough and tough in front of first.

Gulf poked his foot on khaotung who was sitting on floor to gain his attention. "What? Are you embarrassed? You should be glad because you don't remember yesterday's show you putted. I wonder how he manged to drop you hear all by himself. Even I wanted to kick you out for a brief second." Gulf said in annoyance. "I wasn't out of the line right?" Khaotung asked in a low voice.

"No you wasn't. You shouted at me when I tried to take you with me and clinged on to first. Then you cried saying You wanted to have sleepover with him. And when I asked him to take off his dirty jacket because someone had vomited on it you made a whole scane laying on the floor and whining like a baby. And... " Gulf had whole list but khaotung couldn't take any more. So I asked to stop pleadingly.

"But I'm touched you hate him so much that you don't like your beloved brother talking to him. But you don't have to worry he is not as bad as his brother. I have appreciate him because he took care of your crazy bum yesterday, pretty impressive." Gulf said. "Don't!  Don't like him p' he is super annoying, Princess Know-it-all" Khaotung said in a serious voice. He always says these things not because he hates first but because he doesn't want anyone to find out that he actually adores first.

Gulf nagged khaotung whenever he got a chance like an Asian mom. That day khaotung found first's jacket along with his Laundry. He must have took it off yesterday night. Khaotung washed it but he couldn't bring himself to return it. Their where to reasons to it one, he was embarrassed other was it belonged to first his crush. Although it's not just a crush.

Monday when khaotung went to university he had decided he would thank first and maybe initiate a normal conversation. As soon as he entered his department building he felt something was off. As if everyone was looking at him. He fastly text mark and met up with him. Mark also noticed the sudden attention so he asked other classmates. And the reason was rather shocking. After hearing everything khaotung rushed to engineering faculty building and mark followed him.

Indeed Khaotung was heading there to meet first but it wasn't to thank him nor was to have a conversation with him. He was going there to get some answers and he won't mind asking questions with his fist.
"Kanaphan Puitrakul!!!"
Khaotung was too load not just first but he got the entire classes attention. He signed first to come out from class. First stepped out and neo who can't miss any drama followed him.

"Did you miss me? Rosey dear..." First asked while walking towards khaotung. Khaotung shoved first with his both hands and then grabbed his collar. "Do you think it's funny?" Khaotung yelled at first in anger. Neo and mark tried to drag them away but they didn't budge. To khaotung's surprise first was smiling at him more likely smirking at him. First rised his right hand and gently cursed khaotung's hair and in a calm and low voice he said "I will advice you to check your phone before making a seen. Other waise princess know-it all will make sure you regret it."

Khaotung took his hands off of first's shirt collar and pulled his phone from pocket. First tried to adjust his shirt and brushed his hands over the area which was wrinkled.  We're khaotung's gaze was fixed in his phone and he had mixed expressions on his face. Then mark tried to get a look at it but khaotung didn't let him. Mark and neo kept asking what it was but no one answer. khaotung just stared at first and first keep looking at him back with out even blinking their eyes.

Author's Note

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