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Khaotung's alarm rang and it was already 10am. What a night he uttered his head was a mess. Gulf had a morning class so he wasn't there, then he changed his clothes and left for university where mark was waiting for him.

Mark was at the parking but khaotung's head was preoccupied with other things so he didn't notice him and walked towards the building on the right. Khaotung entered to a classroom and mark followed him. He was trying to stop khaotung but he didn't care.

"Come out" Khaotung said with a loud voice which caught everyone's attention. "Are you asking me out?" It was a playful reply from a handsome boy who was smiling ear to ear, it was first. Instead of his department building khaotung went to first's that was why Mark trying to stop him. Khaotung didn't answer he instead intensified his gaze. It was cold. First didn't argue he followed khaotung.

They were walking towards the backside of architecture department building. While walking first tried hard to get a reaction out of khaotung but he was too cold, And honestly it was scaring first. Then he remembered yesterday's events when first kissed khaotung he was completely frozen.

Khaotung gently pushed first and started at him after few seconds with a broken voice he asked "how? When? There is no way..." First left out a small smile and said "you did made sure to leave anything behind which will lead me to you. But you forgot something... "

Khaotung had a confused look on his face, first took a step forward and closed the distance between them and continued "I know you more than you know yourself... I didn't even had to look at the letter just seeing my name on the cover was enough for me to recognize your handwriting. But I'm really upset though... How can you think l won't recognize your handwriting? "

Khaotung was screaming in his head how didn't he thought about it. They have been in same calss all their life and always competed at every possible way that also includes academics. He was all over the places yet he managed to ask one more question. "You kept those letters knowing it was from me?"

"I cherish them only because they are from you. And if I didn't know it was you, then I would have left long ago. Khao... I didn't go abroad because I thought I had the chance to stand beside you, not opposite you" First said and forwarded his hands to hug khaotung. But khaotung pushed him and ran out.

First tried to reach khaotung through phone but khaotung didn't answered and to his surprise he shown up right in front of him. Khaotung was walking fast and first's feeling of surprise slowly turned to anxiousness. As soon as they reached their destination first tried to say something but without giving a second khaotung slammed first against the wall and kissed him.

First was quite surprised but he replied with same intensity. It wasn't like their yesterday's kiss, it's full of passion and both boys seemed like they were starving for it. They kissed for few minutes as if they were no tomorrow. They broke their kiss to catch breath. They just looked into each other's eyes and started to laughing.

"You sure you want this because once you say yes I will never let you leave me" Khaotung said while lifting his eyebrows. "I thought we were all ready dating" First's replied with a cheeky yet innocent smile which made khaotung blush. But their smile suddenly despair when they saw two boys who were standing five feets away from them.

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Neo and mark followed them all the way there, they just want to avoid casualties because they thought these two will definitely gonna fight but what they saw was a shock to them

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Neo and mark followed them all the way there, they just want to avoid casualties because they thought these two will definitely gonna fight but what they saw was a shock to them. They can never imagine first and khaotung being friendly and here they were kissing each other.

First and khaotung stood there not knowing what to say. Mark's mouth was wide open and neo kept staring at them. "So khaotung popped the question I guess!!! " Neo said but that was not the question everyone expected. "What do you mean by that???  And Khaotung is first forcing you???? You can tell me friend." Mark said he was still process what he saw earlier.

'No he is not " Khaotung replied in panic. "You think that low of me? " First asked Mark. But before Mark could answer neo said "where you blind? Come on dude first was ctushing over him all his life." Neo said with such a confidence. "Really? Did he told you" Khaotung asked to tease first. But he was standing proud. " I know because I caught him stalking you on social media when he visited me on high school summer vacation and let me tell you it's always been khaotung this and khaotung that when ever we talked even when we were kids. And you see I'm quite smart unlike others, so i know. Oh.. And even... "

First jumped and covered neo's mouth and said "that's enough. it's true I have always liked him and we both were fools who let pass all those years but now we are confessed our feelings to each other and in a very committed romantic relationship.    No I and neo have to go so Mark please take care of my boyfriend for me." First winked at khaotung and left dragging neo with him.

And there began a secret romance. First and khaotung still pretended as enemies in front of everyone else, only neo and Mark knew about this little secret. It wasn't easy because they couldn't go to dates like other couples do because there were high chance of them running into someone they knew or worst running into someone who knew their brothers.

First and khaotung tried to avoid hanging out in campus but still it was the blooming stage so they met secretly. And when ever they hanged out near campus they made sure to have neo and mark with them as cover up's. They have always went on dates to places which where far from university and their home.

One year went by playing this hide and seek game. And they couldn't be happier. They still fought but now the fights are mostly about who loves whom more or about who will be the wife in their relationship. But the biggest problem was about to arrive and it's gonna be chaotic for sure.

Authors note:

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