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Khaotung went straight to first, he was furious but as soon as he reached them he quickly changed his expression and with a huge smile he said "longtime guys" Which caught attention of first and the girl who was talking to them. The girl noded her head as she was greeting khaotung but first was more suspicious.

"I didn't knew you guys were in touch" Khaotung said looking at first. "We didn't and I didn't even remember her" First said immediately although he was sulking but he didn't wanted any misunderstandings between him and khaotung. "Yah p'first didn't recognize me so I was explaining him. But I didn't expect to see you here p'khaotung" Jasmine said and her look made it clear that she hated khaotung's presence.

Khaotung with a smile leaned towards first and holded first's hand put his head on first's shoulder. And said "oh well he was never interested in anyone besides me so it's not a wonder if he didn't knew you. But sorry nong we will have to end this reunion now because me and MY BOYFRIEND is on a date and it's our time. So bye bye" Jasmine was shocked but before she could say anything khaotung dragged first with him away from her.

They were in the middle of a market. First freed himself from khaotung's hands and said "I didn't knew we were on a date." First said to which khaotung replied "were you enjoying yourself? Did I disturb you?" This made first angry and with a stern voice he said "ai khao!!! Don't ever say things like that I don't like it. And don't you dare to shift the blame on me." Khaotung knew first was upset so he didn't push it and said "firrfirr... Khao is sorry. Please don't be mad it was just.. Just it's her.. "

"What about her? She told me she was our Junior from middle school" First was confused because khaotung never acted this way. He always made sure their relationship was kept secret but now he just revealed it in front of a stranger as if it's not a big deal. "Don't you remember???" Khaotung asked to which first just give a questioning look so khaotung continued "do you at least remember the time when we had pretty bad physical fight in middle school? "

"Of course. how can I forget you went crazy out of nowhere you just started hitting on me and I even got few stitches." First replied. "Don't say that... I know I was wrong but.. But.. But it was because of her. One day she came to me and said that she knew I had feelings for you but we will be never together because she is gonna marry you." Khaotung was embarrassed by his own confession but first was puzzled.

"First.. Don't look at me like that I was a kid back then... And to be exactly back then when she said those things I asked you about it... And you said you prefer her over me too." Khaotung said with full confidence. "Wait wait ... So you just attacked me no practically tried to kill me cause I said I prefer someone else over you? Come on khao that time if you asked who I prefer you or a rat I would have said rat. ...You crazy Rosey." First said while gently flicked khaotung's forehead with his finger.

"Oouch" Khaotung pouted. While first laughed hard for a moment he forgot he was mad at khaotung. Khaotung then hold first's hand and said "I know I'm the impulsive possesive and jealous type of boyfriend but I want you to know that I love you and I have loved you even before knowing what love means. You can fight with me as much you want but please speak to me first don't ignore me anymore." Khaotung softened his voice and looked at first with puppy eyes. First couldn't resist it.

"Well don't you think you are empty handed for a makeup date?" First said side eying to khaotung. Khaotung looked around and ran towards a store and bought something for first. "Tan ta da..." Khaotung said forwarding his gift. "So romantic" First said sarcastically. "Hi it's a flower and didn't you like receiving flowers?" Khaotung said to which first replied "I said flower not Cauliflower... It's a vegetable."

First and khaotung continued their surprise date a little more. It's funny that they had always loved each other but acted as if they wanted to take each other's life. Even now when they are dating they fights more often than being lovely dovey but that's what makes their relationship alive. It's almost evening their date was about to end as they had to get back to their respective houses.

They took a walk through their middle school. Holding each other's hands which they had always dreamed of but never thought will come true. So today when they had the opportunity they lived that long awaited dream. At the end of the corridor they then embraced each other and kissed. It was sweet tasted like puppy love which then became intense like young love full of passion with a hint of lust.

They were too occupied in the kiss they didn't seem what was coming on their way. Someone pulled first and punched right in his face. "You brother of ***** you are so dead." It was gulf but as soon as he raised his hand for another punch he had to restrain himself because khaotung jumped in front of first. He was protecting first like shield. "What are you doing khaotung??? Get away from him how can he force you like that??? " Gulf yelled there is no argue in the fact that he was always been an overprotecting brother.

"P' ... Stop!!! Listen to me, does that seemed like he was forcing me? P' I'm your brother do you think he can force me to do something? " Khaotung said in a loud and clear voice and then he checked first as he was hurt. His lips were bleeding and anyone could see that khaotung was worried about first. Which enemies won't do. Gulf was furious and dragged khaotung away from first and said "You can explain that to our parents."

As Gulf dragged khaotung with him and was not ready to hear a single word from khaotung or first. First who was left alone and in shock couldn't think anything else, he picked his phone and texted mew. It was brief but mew knew what it was about and made it at the right time. Before Gulf and khaotung reached their house mew stopped them and after some time first joined. Mew looked plain expressionless and Gulf was fuming in anger. And khaotung was standing besides Gulf looking down. First knew there is only one thing to do now.

But only Gulf knew what was about to happen he would have acted different...

Author's note:

Well there is two more couple so I want to develop their story too. And I'm planing to do that in upcoming chapters...

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