Chapter 10 the excursion part 2

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Jaxon handed the small brown book to Marc, sharing with him the details of Nathaniel's tale engraved on the time-forgotten pages. Marc oscillated between surprise and determination, aware of the significance of this discovery. Marc had never seen this book before, but in his defense, it was long before his time.

"This evening, take the necessary rest, and tomorrow we will set out to find the cave hidden in the mountains behind the school," declared Marc with assurance. Everyone left the office, leaving Marc immersed in the task of contacting other schools worldwide to share the newfound discovery and raise collective awareness against the looming threat.

The evening promised to be long for Marc, but he found strength in the remarkable growth of his students, a force that fueled his energy and determination. A new chapter was unfolding for the school and its protectors.


After escaping from prison, Marcus headed to the cave. Returning to his human form before entering, a sigh of relief escaped his lips, finally liberated from his cell. The malevolent power inhabiting him made him more powerful than when he was a werewolf, and strangely, he didn't hate it. The demon possessing him had orders to let him control the power within.

At the same time, two individuals emerged from the cave. "Marcus, we are here on behalf of Dramarcus. Come with us; he is waiting for us in the north of Russia, in an isolated cave far from civilization. We'll be safe there to prepare for our grand attack." Although Marcus eyed them with suspicion, he had nowhere else to go, and it was Dramarcus who had helped him escape from prison. "Alright, I'm coming with you." The three transformed into black clouds and vanished into the sky, forming an alliance ready to sow chaos.

Back at their home, Jaxon, Alice, Jade, Alex, Patrick, and Eve were all gathered around a crackling fire in front of the house. The atmosphere was filled with tranquility, accompanied by the melodic song of nocturnal animals. The sun was setting behind the mountains, giving way to a gentle darkness.

Each immersed in their thoughts, they listened to the crackling of the fire, allowing the enchantment of the evening to envelop them. It was then that Alice broke the silence with a bright idea.

"I have a suggestion. Let's take turns sharing what we're grateful for in being here together." Everyone liked this idea, and each shared joyful anecdotes from their experiences at the school. After several minutes, Jaxon had an idea of his own, "Do you want to witness something extraordinary through my powers?" Everyone's attention was captured. "Okay! Close your eyes, and when I say, you can open them." After a moment of concentration, a radiant smile appeared on Jaxon's face.

"Okay, open your eyes." To their great astonishment, a few steps away stood three deer, several birds, a couple of raccoons, and a majestic white wolf sitting by the lake. A collective sense of wonder filled the air, enhancing the magic of this unique moment.

Jaxon, with humility, shared his unique gift. "I can communicate with all animals, and they respond to me as well." Alice, full of enthusiasm, stood up. "Jax, could you ask the birds to perch on my arms?" she requested, arms raised before her. Jaxon nodded, and a few seconds later, four birds delicately perched on Alice's outstretched arms. A magical harmony with nature imbued the moment, leaving everyone with the memory of an exceptional evening.

Eve finally stood up, gently rubbing her belly, a radiant smile on her face. "I think the baby and I are going to bed," she said. Patrick rose as well, taking Eve's hand. "Don't stay up too late, kids. We have a long day ahead tomorrow." Patrick and Eve left, heading towards their home. Night gradually enveloped the surrounding nature, leaving the stars to watch over this united family.

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