Chapter Seventeen: The Truth

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The contents of the note unveiled a shocking truth, a key piece of evidence that Brenda had taken with Johnson's key to apartment 4A a few hours before reporting Taleen's disappearance to Martin for the first time, later that same day. Johnson's name was actually Jason.

Time ago, Brenda's jealousy had festered, fueled by the sight of Taleen's genuine connection with Jason. In a bid to destroy the relationship, Brenda coerced Jason into infidelity, manipulating him into often entering Apartment 4B under the guise of helping her move.

The aftermath of the betrayal unfolded as Taleen, enraged and heartbroken, ejected Jason from her life. The emotional toll drove Taleen into a deep state of depression, isolating herself completely from the world. The refrigerator, once filled with life's sustenance, was left open and emptied as Taleen faced the abyss of her despair. That dot of blue light peeking through the curtains was the refrigerator left completely open. Brenda must've closed it to avoid any leads in the investigation after Martin's first visit leaving him solely in the dark, without the wood he ever so needed to sustain the flame of an investigation.

Each night, Brenda continued her affair with Jason, the very man she had coerced into infidelity. Brenda grinned at Taleen, as she danced in a bride's dress which was the last and only reminder of the very thing which kept her human. Love. Brenda had always been fully aware of the torment she inflicted upon that young lady. Taleen, trapped in her own dance of sorrow, was conscious of Brenda's actions, an unspoken acknowledgment that added another layer to her heartbreak.

The relentless cycle of betrayal and suffering pushed Taleen to the brink. The haunting dance that appeared to ignore the world around her masked the internal turmoil that had become unbearable. Brenda's malicious actions shattered Taleen's spirit, compelling her to seek what she believed to be a better place.

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