Jiang Zhilan saw all of their thoughts at a glance and sighed secretly in his heart. In truth, he'd long suspected there was something fishy behind those attempted assassinations, but motions still had to be carried out and the incompetent had to be punished; even if it was merely for show.

In an attempt to leave a lasting impression before his house arrest, that same official stepped out once again. "Your majesty, I have one comment to make. Recently, those assassinations...there are some suspicious points..." Immediately, an uproar broke out at the audacity to so brazenly discuss the king's life and death. Attempted assassinations were still shady business and everyone was careful when mentioning the word.

"You're cursing him!"


"How dare you!"

"Enough!" At that one shout, the whole room immediately quieted, lips pursing to hold back several choice words for their colleagues. "The Right State Minister...is right. This king also thinks...that there seems to be a problem." Originally, he'd wanted to keep his suspicions hidden in order not to beat the grass and startle the snake. But, there really was no other path; everything had hit a dead end.

"Yes..." The minister glanced around slyly, briefly meeting the scorching gaze of the eldest prince. He quickly looked away. "I..." He hesitated appropriately.

Jiang Zhilan gestured with his chin. "Speak."

The official straightened his back, "Yes, your majesty. This servant has noticed that maybe," he paused again, glancing in Liu Qingyuan's direction, then bowed low. "Perhaps these issues began when the new regiment of guards arrived..." Liu Qingyuan glanced over at those words, his eyes impassive but inquiring. As the personal bodyguard of the king, how could he not know what he meant? It was his job to ensure the king's safety, yet all these things kept happening.

Jiang Zhilan wasn't oblivious either. He raised an eyebrow. "This king has verified the skills of all the new bodyguards. Are you saying this king made the wrong choice?"

The official bowed lower, if that was even possible. "This servant doesn't dare. This servant is only worried about the king's body and hopes the king can live a long life." Liu Qingyuan looked down, clenching the sword in his hand tighter, his mind spinning. There was something fishy about it. Was this another one of his master's schemes? Was he kept in the dark this whole time? Face hidden, Liu Qingyuan's mouth twisted in a self-mocking expression. As expected...

"Your majesty," Another official stepped out. "This servant...also thinks it's a bit inappropriate."

Jiang Zhilan's eyebrows really did furrow this time. "What is?" His tone was a little sharp.

"This servant..."

The Right State Minister hastened to speak. "It's just that this servant is concerned whether guard Liu really is...trustworthy."

"Yes, yes!" The second official chimed in, eager to contribute to a 'good' deed. "In his position...distractions can easily become disastrous..." His disdainful gaze wasn't missed by Liu Qingyuan. The official hastily looked away as a third official stepped up to voice his option.

"Yes! Your majesty, the situation with the heir still hasn't been solved." What heir?! Jiang Zhilan was really baffled. They were talking about the assassins. How did it end up on the topic of his heirs?!


"Your majesty," The eldest prince took the initiative to step forward, his bearing graceful and confident. "This prince also agrees." Jiang Zhilan frowned, gaze turning a little frosty at his half-brother's interference. What did he want to do now? What agreement? Before he could speculate further, Jiang Baiyi continued. "It's good to enjoy oneself, but extending the royal bloodline is of utmost importance." Jiang Baiyi paused as if uncertain whether to say his next words out loud in such a public place. Liu Qingyuan narrowed his eyes. He thought he'd seen a trace of contempt and gloating within Jiang Baiyi's gaze. But it was too quick, and he wasn't sure. "Regarding guard Liu's position...I'm afraid it really isn't proper."

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