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A/N  updated on mobile so the format might be weird, praying that it's not 😫🤞, it's a longer chapter too 😛

"You're back?"

"En." Liu Qingyuan stepped up to the pavilion where the king was sitting at the round stone table, peeling lychees with his fingers in the early morning sun. His face was bright and content after a much needed rest following their harrowing time in the hunting grounds. Unfortunately, kings were never really free; at most, half a day or so of rest. In contrast, Liu Qingyuan's face was a bit tired. His master's words had run through his head the entire night.

"Sit." Jiang Zhilan saw Liu Qingyuan was spaced out and deliberately asked him to sit. Unconsciously Liu Qingyuan sat and the king smiled in satisfaction. Eunuch Shuang cleared his throat lightly. It was just the beginning of the morning...so early...

The king shot him a glare and Eunuch Shuang hastily looked away.

Liu Qingyuan was still in a daze when he felt something cold and wet push against his lips. A plump lychee was stuffed into his mouth, sticky fingers sliding against the corner of his mouth. Liu Qingyuan grabbed that hand, gaze jumping to the king's.

"Is it tasty?" Jiang Zhilan asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Liu Qingyuan had started to nod his head before he realized what had just happened. He quickly let go of Jiang Zhilan's hand, making to get up. "Nuh-uh." A hand grabbed his collar and tugged him back down, the sides of their faces colliding for a moment. Eunuch Shuang glanced away.

"Your majesty..." Jiang Zhilan glanced over momentarily, his face flushing red at the realization of his actions. He quickly looked around to make sure no one was around and cleared his throat. "Have...have some tea!" He poured Liu Qingyuan a cup.

"Your majesty..."

"What? Why aren't you eating? Is it not good?" Flustered, Jiang Zhilan turned to Eunuch Shuang who was still pretending he was blind. "Change it out."

Liu Qingyuan hastily picked up a peeled lychee from the small pile on the dish amid pieces of husk on the table. "No need." He rolled the fruit between his fingers, getting them sticky with juice. Jiang Zhilan glanced back at him. Their gazes clashed and Liu Qingyuan finally stuffed it in his mouth. The sweet juice burst in his mouth, coating his tongue in freshness.

Eunuch Shuang had just finished clearing the peels off the table when a maid walked up the steps, carrying a small plate of light pastries. The pile was stacked precariously, enough so that a larger plate was probably recommended.

"Your majesty," Liu Qingyuan wanted to object but Jiang Zhilan waved away his protest. He picked one up, turning it this way and that to appreciate it's cute design. His hand darted towards Liu Qingyuan's mouth. "Try one." Liu Qingyuan caught his wrist again, gaze boring deep into the others. Stopped mid-action, a faint sense of embarrassment showed on the King's face. "Try it," he prompted.

Liu Qingyuan kept his gaze trained on Jiang Zhilan's, and with sudden impulse, slowly moved his head down and ate the pastry straight from his hands. Jiang Zhilan went into a daze, staring at his own fingers like they contained the mysteries of the universe. Eunuch Shuang nearly turned all the way around. One was bad enough, but two! It made the space suffocating!

A beat passed. Then two. Jiang Zhilan snatched his hand back, hurriedly pushing a cup of tea in front of Liu Qingyuan. "Have some tea!"


This king seemed to have forgotten this cup of tea was his own. Slender jade fingers picked up the cup, stagnant eyes staring into the amber depths contemplatively. All kinds of thoughts churned in Liu Qingyuan's head but still, he raised the cup to his lips, hot liquid spilling over his tongue and bringing with it, the fragrance of fine brewed tea. Jiang Zhilan watched him unblinkingly, his expression carrying the barest trace of expectation.

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