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A/N Another long chapter 😪

It was a lazy day today, a break from the strict regimen that'd filled Liu Qingyuan's days. The men were in their shared room, taking their time to get ready and talking amongst themselves. Da He was scrutinizing Liu Qingyuan who'd noticed but ignored him. Unfortunately, the staring was making him uncomfortable.

Liu Qingyuan pulled his belt closed and swiveled, locking eyes with Da He's malicious gaze. "Are you done looking?" Da He squared up.

"Why? You don't like the attention? You didn't seem to care when you recklessly spilled his majesty's drink." Liu Qingyuan gritted his teeth, shoving down the welling irritation. It was hard enough being in a country he didn't know all by himself, but it was harder still when that country threw thick-headed imbeciles at you. Liu Qingyuan looked away uninterestedly and turned to leave. He was done in this room. The others could loiter all day if they wanted. "Hey! I'm not done!" Da He snagged the back of Liu Qingyuan's tunic. Liu Qingyuan spun, lashing out and sending Da He sprawling onto the floor. Da He roared in anger, shoving up off his friends and lunging for Liu Qingyuan.

Liu Qingyuan caught his arm, twisting it away and slamming Da He down by the collar. He leaned over him, anger and disgust in his eyes. "Don't. Touch. Me," he hissed. Da He tried to get up, hatred on his face but Liu Qingyuan slammed him back down, his lithe frame surprisingly overpowering Da He's stocky, powerful build.

"That's quite enough," an authoritative female voice called out from the doorway. Liu Qingyuan turned his head, brow furrowing at the older woman swathed in gold.

Her imperial yellow robe had prominent shoulders, hair pinned up with extravagant pins and a glittering headdress. Gold dripped from her ears and her pursed lips were painted red. For a brief moment, Liu Qingyuan wondered what woman would come uninvited into a man's quarters, especially the quarters of soldiers. Then, Eunuch Shuang rushed in, looking completely flustered.

"Queen Dowager..." The...Dowager...

All the men in the room rushed to bow. Liu Qingyuan let go of Da He, reluctantly sinking into a bow. "Now," her voice commanded with the force of a dragon and the prowess of a phoenix, "Who is Liu Qingyuan?"

Liu Qingyuan reluctantly raised his head, gaze guarded as he stood. "I am, your majesty."

"Hmm," She flicked her eyes over him. "Needs work on the manners but it'll do." Her tone took on a more official air. "From this moment on, you will work for the king. You will protect him diligently. If under your watch he is hurt, I will destroy three generations of your family. Do you accept?" It wasn't a question, it was an order. Liu Qingyuan bowed his head.

"I understand your majesty." The Dowager turned to Eunuch Shuang. "Get him to his new quarters."

"Yes, your majesty." The Dowager turned without another word and swept out the door. There was silence in the room. Most of them were friends and none of them knew Liu Qingyuan, so they didn't give their congratulations.

"This way, Liu gongzhi." Liu Qingyuan got up slowly, swiftly collecting his things and stepping around the men that were avoiding his gaze. Da He didn't though. He stared right at Liu Qingyuan with jealousy in his eyes.


The next morning, Liu Qingyuan reported bright and early, standing like a shadow as the king attended his morning assembly and moved to his study to work for most of the morning. It'd been a couple hours since and Liu Qingyuan stood stoically outside the doors in his new uniform. It was black, with subtle silver embroidery at the shoulders and down the arms and bold gold at the throat. Flanked by two regular guards adorned in red, Liu Qingyuan stared ahead, ambitiously ignoring the curious stares of the guards. His gloomy aura even kept the bugs away.

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