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"Official business." Liu Qingyuan said coldly. He held up his identifying plaque. The king had wanted him to collect a pure jade bracelet to gift to the dowager. Though, Liu Qingyuan also had other intentions. He waited as they opened the large doors, letting him in with a ten minute warning.

The moment the door closed, Liu Qingyuan was hit in the face with the glare of the wealth of the kingdom. Besides the money, the large room was filled with countless priceless treasures and rare artifacts from previous dynasties. Liu Qingyuan tried to be quick, ignoring the chests of gold and silver and looking at the different treasures and smaller boxes.

Though it wasn't likely, Liu Qingyuan hoped there was some clue about the Qiangda flower in the palace treasury. This large vault was in the midst of the finance department of the palace, located in the north left corner of the palace, beside the vast Imperial Garden. Liu Qingyuan glanced at the door and slipped behind another shelf to check a small wooden box.


"Guifei* greet your majesty."

(*Guifei - Concubine/consort)

"En." The noble consort rose, smiling perfectly at the pair seated before. The dowager nodded in approval while the king sat stiffly. The noble consort, Xiu Ying, was quite the beauty. She had jade like skin, round eyes, straight eyebrows and rosebud lips. Her looks, coupled with the fact that she was the daughter of the most prominent noble family had earned her the position. Granted, her family had been enraged by her position as Noble Consort when she could have been Empress. But it was the king's decree so they swallowed their tongues and nursed the hope that she'd be elevated eventually.

The other two consorts rose too, standing behind Xiu Ying. The one on the left was Yan Li, an intelligent and noble lady that loved to read. Although she was quiet and withdrawn, she was also beautiful and people often gossiped that if she'd been born a man, she'd definitely be the top scholar. The lady on the right was none other than Hai Rong. She abstained from the traditional consort robes, discreetly having modified them to be a little more freeing. Her smiles were unrestrained and filled with joy, shining upon the recipient like the sun.

As they dispersed to seat themselves in various places in the pavilion, all three did not take their gaze off the king. The king himself was very beautiful, carrying an air of grace and power, although his slighter frame may not suggest it. His skin was fairer than jade and his peach blossom eyes glittered in the light. His temperament was like water; strong and swift, capable of rising up quickly in anger but also kind and life bearing, carving his own path in the world.

The dowager had thought he hadn't visited any of the consorts recently, so she arranged a small meal for the five of them. The moment the three consorts sat down, the maids stepped forward, placing down the food.

"Now, this is just a small meal, so feel at ease and speak freely," the dowager said. Xiu Ying smiled, as graceful as a swan. Her sleeves rustled, beautiful silk displaying golden embroidery.

"You are as kind as ever, your majesty." the dowager smiled fondly at her.

"Your words are ever graceful."

"Thank you, your majesty," Xiu Ying smiled "shyly" behind her raised sleeve. Jiang Zhilan looked away, already growing bored. This inconsistent flattering made him cringe. He himself had enough to last a lifetime. 'You can speak your mind' Ha! That was far from the truth.

The meal began and Jiang Zhilan was more interested in his food than his consorts. Alas thus was the duty of the king; to bear heirs. If not, these three girls would not even have set foot in the palace.

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