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"Hao*!" The captain smacked Liu Qingyuan's back. "Good form!" Stoically, Liu Qingyuan moved to the next position, form sharp and smooth as the brothers-at-arms moved as one. They were only a group of ten but were training to be the best of the best. They had to protect the royal family after all. Liu Qingyuan was grateful for his previous experience. These men were by no means amateurs.

(*Hao - "Good")

"Alright!" The captain clapped his hands. "Take a break! Be back for our session in the afternoon!"

"Yes sir!" The team chorused. They waited until the captain turned away before heading back to their rooms to change and wash up.

The ten men shared a hall to sleep in. They had access to a few side halls for their personal needs, but for the most part, they slept together on a long wooden platform that covered half the room. Many of them stripped off their shirts, sighing in relief from the cool air on their skin and gathering their stuff to wash at the stream. A large-built man lingered, observing Liu Qingyuan through frowning eyes. Liu Qingyuan had a mysterious air to him, as most of the men had been acquainted somehow beforehand. They'd never seen him before and didn't know his temperament. So, they were wary.

"Hey, Da He," His friend nudged his arm, following his gaze. "You know, none of us know him and he never talks to us." He leaned down to loudly whisper to the big man. "Do you think he's a spy?" He gasped. "Or do you think he's...you know," The man twirled his finger around his temple. The beefy man, Da He, tsked and shoved his friend away, arms crossing over his broad chest.

"He's smart, you can see it in his eyes."

"Ahhh...." The tall man nodded his head, eyes comically wide.

"But," Da He tapped his chin. "He's not like us. There's something different about him." Liu Qingyuan, who was catching their words, shifted a little, digging through his bag and wondering why his tunic had suddenly disappeared into thin air. Da He clicked his tongue in disapproval and continued. "I mean, look at him. He's so skinny, not like me with good brawn." Da He thumped his own chest. "Eyy, I could break him like a stick. He belongs in a tea house."

Liu Qingyuan glared over his shoulder at the scrutinizing pair. They were becoming like a pair of pesky flies; buzzing around your head with incompetent chatter. Da He caught his gaze and shuffled back half a step. He was half fascinated. Liu Qingyuan never looked one of them in the eye before, always skipping over their forms like they were insignificant.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that? Besides, I'm sure you already know we don't like you." Da He narrowed his eyes at him. "You're not one of us just by being here." He gestured to the remaining men still in the room. "We've fought together, so if you want to be one of us, you have to earn it."

Liu Qingyuan resisted the urge to laugh. But this proud man might not take it well and his master had always told him not to be rash. Anybody could be a potential stepping stone to his final goal.

Before Liu Qingyuan could leave, a small figure bounded up and hooked his arms around Da He and the tall man's necks. Or well, he tried to. "Yuan ge*!" The boy was the youngest of the bunch and though he looked way too young to be part of this group, he was the fastest, striking like a snake when needed.

(*Ge - Also "gege", means older brother, also used for 'boyfriend')

"Well I think Yuan ge is pretty cool! He even got a compliment from the captain!" Da He and the tall man scoffed. "What? He's more handsome than you too. I bet he gets all the ladies." The boy turned to Liu Qingyuan and beamed. "Yuan ge, I wanna be like you! Can I call you 'Yuan ge'?"

"No." Liu Qingyuan turned away, pinching the bridge of his nose. This group was so annoying but he'd have to be patient, just like his master taught him to be. He left the room, leaving the boy to whine pitifully at the rejection.

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