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Miranda didn't recall her hormones hitting her this hard with Tuck. Maybe it was the fact she was older. Maybe because she was also perimenopausal but these hormones were boxing with her and they were winning. She cried over Tuck's costume, she almost cried when Amelia helped her, and she cried in front of Tom after hearing about how his son was so excited to be a stormtrooper for Halloween but never got a chance. She found herself crying at commercials. She cried because Ben's body was too hot against hers but then he moved away so she cried harder because of the space between them. One day she even cried because she could not stop crying. Aside from crying she was also oddly craving root beer. No matter the time of day. She wanted root beer. Her cravings were driving her (and secretly Ben) insane.

"Ben" She called from their room

"What's up" He walked in slightly nervous about what he was walking into

"I love you" She smiled

"I love you too" He nodded "Everything okay"

"I just wanted you to know I love you. I mean I was against this whole you being a firefighter thing but you love it and I asked for a sabbatical and just"

"Don't because you will start crying" He sat on the bed next to her

"You saying I cry a lot"

"No, I'm just saying, you don't have to dwell on the past because I am here and we are having a baby" He smiled and kissed her. He was surprised when she deepened the kiss and pushed him back on the bed. She straddled him and rocked her hips against him.  He wasn't about to ask questions. Any time he could be intimate with his wife he welcomed the idea. He removed her T-shirt and then his own. He kissed his wife's neck and breasts and was ready to do some much more when he realized she was crying.

"Why are you crying right now" He asked wiping her tears away with his thumb

"You are such a good man" She sniffled trying to stop herself from crying

"Okay" He rubbed his face "and that made you cry"

"I'm just so lucky to have you. You are great. The sex is great and my hormones are saying jump your bones right now" She cried some more "But these damn hormones also say cry because your husband is so freaking incredible but I don't want to cry"

"Is the trick working" He asked

"Does it look like it" She wiped away tears

"Okay, so can you explain why exactly you're crying besides I am so good to you" He was very confused. She initiated sex and now they were just sitting here topless with her crying

"Hormones Ben I just said that" She sobbed

Ben just sat there and watched his wife cry. He rubbed her back but that seemed to make her cry more because he was such a good man for comforting her when her hormones were killing the mood. He was utterly confused about what he should do. He grabbed his shirt to put it back on but she stopped him

"No, don't" She sniffled

"Miranda, you are crying your eyes out. We can do this another time"

"No, Ben" She huffed

"Okay, okay, don't cry"

"There you go again calling me a cry baby" She started crying again "Damn hormones"

"Miranda, I don't know what to do. I'm turned on from you rubbing against me and I am very confused by your crying. My body might just self-destruct from confusion"

"Your body is confused Benjamin Warren, your body" She yelled "My hormones have hijacked my body. My ankles are swollen, I cry at the drop of the hat, I am always so damn hot, I just want a cold root beer, and my body is not my own" She cried "but poor Ben. You have an erection and your wife is crying"

"Wrong choice of words, I am so sorry" He nervously bit his lip "I understand you are going through a lot. I will just shut up and be here with you"

"Aw" She cried harder and her lip quivered

"What did I do now" He tensed up

"You apologized" She smiled

"How about we just cuddle or something"

"Did you miss the part where I said I want to jump your bones" She unfastened his pants making him even more confused

"Miranda wait" He put his hands on hers

"You aren't attracted to me because I've been such a complainer and a crier"

"Miranda I did not say that" He shook his head. Ben was not used to his wife being like this. This was Chief Bailey. She was known for being particularly hard and here she was. Crying in bed with her husband.  He just stared at her. This was going to be an adjustment for him. Seeing Miranda in a puddle of tears over something small was not something he ever thought he'd witness and yet it had become almost a daily occurrence. Even when she did the trick Amelia taught her. She stopped crying and wrapped her arms around him

"I love you" He whispered into her ear "Your hormones or anxiety or whatever may try to tell you something else but I love you. I am overly excited to be having a baby with you. I don't care that maybe you cry more often not saying you do or anything but I wouldn't care because I love you. Your body is amazing. You are amazing" He was being a kind sweet husband when she started grinding against him again. They shared another passionate kiss and Ben went back to kissing her neck and breasts when yet again she started crying

"Okay, that's it" Ben rolled them over and climbed off the bed. He fastened his pants and grabbed his shirt

"Ben" She sniffled

"I'm going to get some tissues, and some root beer and some snacks and we'll watch movies or whatever" He smiled "Because I can't enjoy sex with someone who is crying. And before you take that out of context or whatever it is just better that we cuddle for the night. I will keep my furnace body at a reasonable distance. Not too close where you're burning up but not too far it seems like I don't want to be next to you. I think I'll get some chocolate because at this point I need it. Your hormones are in overdrive today and I just can't ignore that. And you're about to burst into tears because I am such a good husband and father or whatever"

She nodded before she started sobbing uncontrollably

"Right" He walked out of the room. Nothing could have prepared him for this. He shook his head as he walked. He collected everything he said and when he walked back in the room she was asleep. He sighed. So this is Miranda pregnant he thought to himself. He wondered if Link was having to deal with this with Amelia. Pregnancy club should also branch off into a dad's club. Ben felt like he needed a support group to deal with his wife's hormones. He dare not say it out loud or even let his wife suspect he is thinking it. Otherwise he was afraid of what would happen. Happy wife happy life especially if she has hormones raging throughout her body.

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