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It was storming terribly. Miranda was glad she got to her hotel before it got too bad outside. She was attending a surgical conference along with some other surgeons from her hospital. However she decided last minute to go and just barely got a room. And just her luck she figured. She decides to go and not only does she get in a fight with her ex husband it also starts storming. But she was determined to enjoy this conference. She was going to spend 4 days learning about surgery. While she considered herself to already be an excellent surgeon she still loved to learn.

She walked up to the front desk to check in. She noted the man standing up there already. She was called by the front desk person next to him.

"Dr. Miranda Bailey"
"Dr. Ben Warren"
They said simultaneously and then looked at each other and gave each other a warm smile.
The two ladies working the desk typed into their respective computers and pulled up their reservations. However based on their looks Ben and Miranda knew something was wrong.

"Something wrong" Ben asked

"It appears here we have only one room available and somehow booked both of you for the room"

"That happens to people in movies. In books. That does not actually happen. So what me and this perfect stranger is going to have to share a room. Let me guess it only has one bed" Ben shook his head at the absurdity of this whole situation

"Um no it has two queen beds" She tapped the desk looking at the two doctors

"Well it is storming and I'm not trying to go back out there in that" He pulled out his wallet

"Well I can't just share a room with a man I don't know. Like you said that happens in movies" Miranda shook her head

"Well I can assure you this is no horror movie. I'm Dr. Benjamin Warren. I am a anesthesiologist. Here for a conference. And you are a doctor too I heard. Probably here for the same thing. I doubt you want to go in the storm so I'm going to pay for our hotel room"

"Wait hold on" Miranda pulled out her wallet but Ben had already handed the woman his card and was receiving his room key

"Coming" he smiled
She rolled her eyes and grabbed the room key and followed him. The elevator ride was silent. Ben admired the doctor he was going to be sharing a room with. Her eyebrows were furrowed in frustration and she was slightly pouting. She seemed feisty so he knew she would probably admonish him for thinking this but she was quite attractive.

They got to their room and he held the door for her. She begrudgingly thanked him. He sat his suitcases by the wall and collapsed on a bed.
"Awh man a bed feels nice" He felt the softness of the bed

"Where you traveling from" She asked

"My guest speaks" He smiled

"Are you always like this"

"Like what" He sat up to look at her


"Mouthy" He laughed "you a mom or something"

"Why is that relevant" She crossed her arms

"That's a yes" He smiled
Miranda found herself enjoying his smile. The only man she had been with was her husband and she hadn't even thought about another man since her divorce but truth be told. Ben Warren is an attractive man.

"Now can we have a conversation over some room service maybe" He grabbed the menu

"Fine" She sat down
They ordered some dinner and once it came Miranda actually found herself enjoying his company. She discovered that he worked at Mercy West and was going to start at her hospital soon due to the merger.

"So you basically been running general surgery since you were a resident" He laughed

"You could say that" She chuckled

"You know I always thought surgery was cool. Being in the OR as the anesthesiologist gets boring you know. I want to be the guy who puts people back together"

"Oh what made you choose anesthesiology then"

"When I was a teenager. I had this friend Danny. We took his dad's car joyriding. It was reckless and dumb and Danny ended up badly hurt and in a coma. I told myself to push my adrenaline down. Get a quiet job. I decided to be anesthesiologist so I could wake people up. I tried and tried to get Danny to wake up but uh yeah" Ben drank some of his soda. Miranda just stared at him.

"I know what it's like to feel helpless like that" She nodded "I'm a surgeon. And when a bookshelf fell on my son. I had to stand back and despite being a surgeon in that moment all I was, was a scared mom"

"So you are a mom" He nodded

"Little boy" she smiled

"Is there a wife title attached to that mom title" He tried to ask nonchalantly

"Are you asking me if I'm single" She raised her eyebrow

"Well I mean we're sharing a room and well I don't want a angry husband hunting me down because he heard a man's voice when you were on the phone" Ben tried to play it off. He definitely was asking her if she was single.

"Well in that case. Dr. Warren no you don't have to worry about it" She laughed

"Phew. You don't have to worry about a wife on my end" He yawned "man tiredness really sneaks up on you"

"We should get some sleep for the conference anyway" She nodded

"Okay well I sleep naked is that a problem" He looked at her.
Miranda's food fell out of her mouth as she was left speechless. Was he serious? Her heart started pounding or at least it felt like it was. Him standing in front of her naked sounded nice and that scared her.

"Have you lost your mind. I don't know you and you're talking about being naked in front on me"

"I was joking" He smiled. He knew that he got her riled up with his comment. The way her eyes darted around before she responded gave him all the answers he needed. Whatever feeling he had right now she had it to. And as cliche as it sounded he knew by the end of the conference something was going to happen between them. He wasn't sure if he would initiate it or would she but he knew it was going to happen.

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