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A: "You are one terrifying woman"
B: "Thanks. You chose me because of that, remember
Ben watched from the end of the hall as his wife bossed around everyone. He chuckled to himself remembering how it was working for Chief Bailey. Having Miranda as a boss was no easy feat and it definitely wasn't for the faint of heart. As she walked to her office he followed behind her

"I'm not sure it is legal to speak to people that way Chief" He laughed

"I didn't threaten them or otherwise say anything illegal. Most I did was frighten them a little" She sat in her desk chair

"So that makes it okay" Ben sat on the couch "Remember when I was a resident here"

"Oh and cutting people open with a piece of the clipboard"

"Hey I saved that man's life"

"Okay MacGyver" She nodded "What's your point"

"When you were an intern you had a particularly hardass resident right" Ben leaned back


"And she is the one who taught you that you were the bottom of the surgical food chain. And then you called her a supercilious fool in the hallway"

"Yes, but I was right"

"Aht aht, you were an intern, you weren't right. You were a grunt. a nobody. Nobodies don't get to be right"

"Okay, I see what you are doing" She walked over to her husband and sat next to him

"As much as I love a woman in charge, have you considered not being so hard on them" He asked

"It's how things are done around here. We're hard on the interns and the residents so they don't run around this hospital killing people; Don't you do something similar at the fire station"

"Probies" He nodded "They get the scut of the firehouse basically"

"Alright, I remember when you were no more than new guy to them and now you're dad. It builds character"

"You're a shark, Miranda Bailey. But you were once a minnow. Baylow's treatment of you didn't make you a shark, Richard's encouragement brought it out of you. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. You walked around calling Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie, and Cristina your babies but yet you preached how you hated them from day one. They were all a pain in your neck but you loved them. Your son is named after O'Malley. Meredith's son is named after you. Alex wouldn't be the man he is today without some of your influence, Cristina is off in Switzerland, and Izzie beat cancer. Your babies grew up. The journey was nowhere near easy but you touched each of their hearts. Yeah you were the Nazi but you loved them" He nudged her

"What's your point"

"My point is, you are killing this boss thing but you don't have to kill them to kill this job" He rubbed her hand "Yeah strike a little fear here and there to get fire under their feet but you ever consider not being sooooo bitc"

"Finish it and die Ben Warren"

"Nevermind that part" He cleared his throat "But just think about what I said because those residents look terrified. Hell even the attendings look shook what have you been around here doing"

"Fine, I will try to only occasionally yell at staff"

"We'll work in it" He chuckled

"So what was the real reason you stopped by"

"I wanted to see my wife" He smirked

"You just called me mean and were about to call me a bitch"

"Hey, we aren't saying it remember" He laughed "And I wasn't going to call you one. I would never"

"right, because I scare you" She smirked

"Nope. Remember my speech about how you give speeches and people don't stop you because they're scared but I'm not scared of you. Even after marrying you I'm still not scared of you"

"Good, don't want you scared of me"

"Although you are a pretty terrifying woman" He chuckled

"I mean I yelled at you when I first met you and you still married me so you love this terrifying woman so much you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me"

"I did do that didn't I" He laughed

"I'm going to finish some paperwork and then we can head home"

"No rush, chief" He laid back on the couch

"Feet off my couch" She snapped her fingers

"Don't snap at me chief" He used her lab coat as a blanket

"Really Ben" She looked at him

"I'm cold" He shrugged

"Is this some kind of lesson"

"Are you learning anything" He smugly laughed

"May I add. Not all the residents are scared of me. Dr. Wright seems to be pretty fond of me"

"Oh that's what we're doing" He sat up "Dr. Wright"

"I need a laugh right now and you somehow always manage to do that for me" She sighed

"If this hospital goes under. To hell with it" He got up

"Ben Warren"

"I mean it. You are fighting for this hospital and who is fighting with you. I mean you are woman hear you roar but sometimes you have to know when to throw in the towel and as your husband I'm saying maybe you have to let this ship sink captain"

"Perez likes me too"

"Don't ignore me Chief Bailey" He walked over and leaned on her desk

"I'm not ignoring you, I just don't want to hear about quitting. And don't captains go down with their ship"

"Not in this scenario" Ben shook his head
"You know I think what makes you so scary"

"What's that"

"You spend all day in this hospital and when you come home you're tired and so you have no time for your husband" He winked "your incredibly good looking husband"

"Ben Warren" She laughed

"Miranda Bailey" He smirked

"That is not my problem. My problem is the fact that this hospital's residency program is gone to hell in a hand basket and what do I do about it"

"Have sex with your husband"

"And what would that solve"

"The issue of not having sex with your husband" He nodded " I like my plan"

"So you're saying I'm tough on staff because I am too busy for sex"

"I mean BCB wasn't fussing the residents and the attendings out every 5 seconds"

"I thought BCB was done"

"Oh nah she's just stuck in her office all day being Chief BCB"

"Are you serious" She laughed hitting him

"Nah but seriously consider putting yourself before this hospital sometimes" He smiled

"I will" She kissed him
The phone rang and she picked it up. Based on her look it was not a good call at all. His wife started getting heated on the phone and started yelling before slamming the phone down

"Another fellow left" She sighed

"You may be terrifying but damn baby I love you" He turned and pushed her against the desk kissing her

"That's why you married me" She sighed sitting down

"I'll pick up Pru and head home. See you there" He kissed her forehead and walked out. He saw some residents moping around

"Hey don't just mope in the hallways. The chief is busting her ass for the program. Make it worth her time" He snapped and they moved. He smiled to himself and walked to the elevator.

Oneshots: A Benley CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now