Freaky Friday

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"What happened to my body"
Ben woke up in an unfamiliar house. He looked around trying to figure out where he was. He didn't feel like himself. He thought back to last night. He went to this underground club maybe he got drunk and ended up at someone's house. He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He was still tired but he was sure of his aim yet when he went to go pee something wasn't right. He looked down and got the shock of his life

"Where's my penis" He yelled. He jumped back from the toilet. What was happening? Did he... did he see boobs? He slowly walked over to the mirror. He almost fainted at the face looking back at him. "Ben you're still dreaming. You're in some weird fantasy where you're a hot woman" He splashed some water on his face. But no he was still in a woman's body.

Over in Ben's body at Ben's place, Miranda was freaking out too. She was also splashing water in her face trying to wake up. Last night she was forced to some underground bar by her friends and woke up in a place that wasn't her home. In a body that wasn't hers with a... a... penis. She looked into the mirror and stared at the man. She found his wallet and looked at his ID. Benjamin Warren. She wondered if since she was in his body, was he in hers. She had to get to the bottom of this. She put on some clothes and left his place.

"Morning Ben" A man waved to him

"Sup" Miranda nodded trying her best to imagine how Ben would speak to his friends. She walked around the parking garage with his keys trying to find his car. She probably looked crazy to anyone who may have seen her. Finally, she found the car and got in. She was now taller being in Ben's body. She struggled a bit trying to be comfortable in his car. She made her way to her house. While she was driving Ben was fumbling his way around her place

"Damn being short is not for the weak" He groaned. He threw on some sweatpants, a T-shirt, and a hoodie. He felt weird looking at this woman's body. He found her ID. Miranda Bailey. He looked around at the pictures. Ben admired her smile. He felt her face. He tried to smile her smile. But without her authenticity behind it, it was nothing. He stared at the pictures of her and her son. The little boy looked so much like her. Oh crap was her son here? He heard a knock on the door and he hesitated wondering if he should open it. As the knocks continued he heard a man's voice

"Miranda" The man on the other side of the door called for her.
Was this her husband? Would Ben have to kiss him? Well, it wouldn't be Ben kissing him, it would be Miranda's body, but that's still weird. He sighed and opened the door.

"Mommy" The little boy rushed in

"Hey buddy" Ben tried to sound like an enthusiastic mother. He then turned to stare at the man. He wasn't sure what to say. Just then he saw his car pull up. His body appeared in front of him. His mind was blown. That was him. He was in front of him. Or he was in front of her. He felt her body reacting to the presence of him. And man was this giving him a headache.

Miranda was feeling a similar feeling in Ben's body. She looked at her own body in front of her. Damn, she looks good. She knew that but Ben's hormones were just confirming that. She was so fixated on staring at herself that she hadn't noticed Tucker. She walked up to the front door.

"Umm who is this" Tucker asked

"Hello, I'm a friend of Miranda's" Miranda looked at Tucker. Man, this was so strange. She looked at herself and wondered who the person in her was. She had assumed it was Ben but what if it wasn't?

"That's Ben. My friend Ben" Ben answered trying to figure out how to get through this. This was so weird and he prayed this was a dream. He was in a woman's body and his own body was standing before him.

"Like a boyfriend. You have him over and around Tuck" He crossed his arms. Ben just looked between the man and his own body. So unsure of what to say. This was too weird.

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