chapter 1

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I have never felt so close and yet so far away from anything before. I could hear people yelling, they noticed I was gone. I have been locked up for so long I forgot what the forest felt like. Full of life and green. By the time someone notices they are heading the wrong way, it will be too late. My plan was to escape, run south for a bit, then circle back to my prison. As soon as they followed the scent south, I would run north. I could hear a river north, so I would run to the river then wade up stream so the scent would be lost. Find somewhere safe to cross, then take off, continuing north. My heart is pounding so hard I am afraid my captures could hear it and ruin the whole plan.


I heard him yell, the one who took me, Arken. One was the first he took. He never gave us names, only numbers. I remember before I was taken, but I can't remember my name. Sad, right? They started off on the fake trail that I left them and I bolted the opposite way. All I can think is now or never. The further I run, the louder the river gets, I get to where I can see it and leap in. running up stream as fast as i can. I don't stop until I can no longer fight the water, then I wade across and then keep running. I ran from sunrise till just about dark. As the sun was setting, I stopped just to catch my breath.

As I looked around, I was at the bottom of a large cliff. I started walking along the base to find a cave or a rock hanging just enough out of the wall to give shelter. I don't know how long I walked but I finally found a cave. Smooth rock all along the bottom, I walked in and tried to find another nook to take as a bed. A short walk in, I found a ledge about shoulder length above the ground. I pulled myself up and took a deep breath as I laid down. This was my great escape. The best part is, all the skills it took to escape were taught by Arken. He wanted us to be the best trained beasts we could be. Sunday we would run from sun up till sun down. Monday we would work out all day. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday survival tactics. Friday we will run again. Then Saturday was a break but we could not eat.

As the sun came up it showed through the entrance of the cave. This woke me up. I had not intended to fall asleep. I quickly sat up and looked around. I didn't hear or see anyone. I took a deep breath and jumped off the ledge. Looking to the back of the cave, I could see daylight also. This was not a cave but a tunnel. I decided to look at the other side of the tunnel and started walking. Once reaching the other side, I could see a valley surrounded by mountains. I started into the forest in front of me.

Now that I was free, I had no clue what to do. I didn't plan that far ahead. For right now though, I was hungry and needed to find food. I found a long stick and a coarse rock to sharpen the end. Sharpening it took a while but I finally got a point. I walked around until I heard a rustling coming from a bush. I picked up a stone from the ground, threw it in the bush and out shot a bunny. I was ready with my spear and launched it into the bunny's side and killed it. I walked over and picked it up. I went back to the tunnel and placed it on my ledge. Then I headed back into the valley to find some dry sticks and rocks to build a pit to start a fire.

I had everything set up and started to pull the skin off of the bunny. I tossed the fur and skin into the fire and stabbed a long skinny stick into the bunny and set it on the fire. When it was finished, I pulled the meat apart and started to eat. Once I had finished the bunny, I decided to go and explore more of the valley. I was going to walk the wall looking for a better place to hide. The tunnel was not going to work. After a while, I heard a low growl but I stayed calm and looked for what made the sound. My hand slowly reached for the spear I had made.

"I would not grab that." A voice from the other direction.

I looked in that direction and out stepped a man. He was tall, blonde and well built. But I could take him. Then from all around came another man and 2 wolves. This was pack territory.

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