It had felt like he was actually there.

And he didn't want to lose this tiny ounce of freedom, he didn't want to lose Eclipse either. Because sure he's grumpy, he's the first person who's actually talked to him like he's a person and not some computer. 

"Computer, are you good? You've been silent and not making snarky comments" Eclipse asked and Computer snapped out of it "fine!" Eclipse sighed "you zone off again? Or is that you doing work? I can't tell actually" Computer lied "just me doing work" but he could tell Eclipse knew he was lying.

Eclipse shrugged not pressing "whatever, also were here" Computer felt alarm fill him, he was very worried about letting Eclipse do this.

Sure he could hack Eclipse and take over, but that would be completely intrusive and make Eclipse hate him.

He didn't want Eclipse to hate him.

"Fine" Computer grunted, "I swear to god if you breathe in something toxic-" Eclipse waved a hand "I'm sure I won't!" stubborn and stupid. Computer watched Eclipse work the controls expertly and teleport back into his old bunker.

Computer cringed at the sight and Eclipse cringed to "it's a lot worse than I remember..." Computer saw sparking wires, a loose roof with dangerous falling boards and metal, and dangerous nails, it was horrible actually. "Yeah- lets turn back-" Computer said in a strained voice, his systems were starting too freak out.

"Eclipse come on don't be a moron-" Computer said and Eclipse grunted "I just need these files, they hold important research" Computer was curious for sure, but he really didn't care at the moment. He wanted Eclipse out, he watched Eclipse wearily creep forward towards the giant computer and it looked down at him "hello Eclipse" it was automated, not entirely sentient. 

"What may I do for you today?" it asked and Eclipse grunted walking over, the floor creaked under his feet causing Computer's anxiety to spike, luckily Eclipse wasn't suicidal. He was also very weary and nervous as he crept forward and he stood in front of the giant computer and said "I need to download all of the files" the simple ai replied "affirmative, please connect" Computer was about to say something before Eclipse said "check for corrupted files before I do so" Computer was relieved Eclipse wasn't going to be egoistic.

"No corrupted or virus filled files detected, please step forward" Eclipse let out a sigh and walked forward and started the long process of downloading all the files. Computer waited impatiently and nervously and Eclipse mutters "Computer you are acting very weary right now" Computer snapped "the floor could collapse any moment!" Eclipse replied with "fair."

Some time passed and Eclipse managed to get all the files he had wanted, he unconnected from the computer. Computer knew it was a miracle he hadn't had a coughing fit "now lets just leave-" he said nervously and Eclipse mutters "sounds good to me- wait I suddenly feel... weird" Computer was instantly concerned "what do you mean?" Eclipse grunted "dunno... just feel... dizzy..." "get out-!" Computer said worried and Eclipse walked a single step and fell over onto his face.

"Nah... I'll just lay here..." he said voice muffled by the floor and Computer, Computer freaked. "Eclipse get up and leave the bunker now!" then much to Computers alarm Eclipse said "I can hear colors..." "what?" Computer asked dumbfounded as Eclipse laid there "your voice is weird" he said voice slightly slurring.

Oh no-

"Eclipse get up!" he shrieked in panic, Eclipse just silently moved his head over to look at the chair and squinted as if confused "the chairs moving...." "ECLIPSE-!?" Eclipse is not at all listening to him, he breathed in something toxic and is possibly still breathing it.

Computer began to panic more and screamed "ECLIPSE GET UP! YOU NEED TO GET OUT!" "nah... the floors soft..." he says to a hard metal and cold floor. "Eclipse please get up!"  Eclipse muttered "Hmmmph... no... I see a whole bunch of weird colors though..." oh god oh god- he's hallucinating.

Computer did a scan and found that a poisonous gas had just now leaked in through a broken pipe, the fact it was affecting Eclipse so fact shook Computer to the core as he freaked out more, why? He had no idea what this gas was, he was searching everywhere but nothing matched. It was unknown, and that scared Computer even more.

"Eclipse get up!" Computer shrieked, Eclipse had other plans. He just kinda laid there, muttering nonsense about a chair dancing, the chair was a normal chair and was not moving. Computer reacted by reaching into Eclipse's motor systems to try and hack them.

Eclipse hardly noticed.

Which was even more concerning. 

"Eclipse, stay with me here!" he said in alarm and Eclipse muttered "I hear a weird voice" oh god- Computer got past two giant firewalls before finally getting control, Eclipse's body shot up and he rushed it out of the bunker. 

He ran to the teleporter and activated it and they were in the forest, fresh air for Eclipse to breathe and hopefully get it out of his systems. Computers panic died down sightly when he realized some time later that Eclipse wasn't going to die, Eclipse muttered "I see fairies" "no you don't..." Computer said in a strained voice as he walked the body back to the bunker.

"Woah.... pretty voice" Eclipse said randomly and Computer sighed "Eclipse, I need you to shut off and let me take control of the body"  Eclipse did not obey, "hmmm, nah. I like the colors" poor guy was high. Really high. "Eclipse-" Computer said his voice still strained in worry, he felt slight guilt at letting Eclipse go. 

"Your voice is pretty" Eclipse said in a slurred voice, Computer just feels sad and he just decided to go along with it "uh huh..." he said softly and Eclipse said a whole bunch of other nonsense filled statements like 'the fairies have tofu' or 'the colors smell nice.'

The guy was tripping balls so hard it made Computer feel depressed "uh huh..." he muttered and Eclipse muttered "my legs are moving funky..." Computer said "so they are..." Computer found the bunker and walked down the stairs and went to a bed, shutting Eclipse down pushing himself back into the arcade machine. 

I really shouldn't have let him go...

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