Dinosaur Mayhem

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After their escape from the Navy, David, Ronav and Mervick made their way towards the next island.

Ronav: We might have to go to the Grand Line next. Let's see.... The map says we have to climb up Reverse Mountain and ride the ship to the other side.

David: Sweet! Let's go there.

Mervick: Chicken.

They reached Reverse Mountain after a few hours. On reaching the entire crew had a tiny bit of shock on seeing the mountain. This mountain was definitely not ordinary, the water was flowing upwards on large canal in the middle of the mountain.

Ronav: We're gonna have to ride that David.

David: If worst comes to worst, I'll cause a tsunami to get us to the other side.

Ronav: Alrighty then.. LET'S GO!

The Flying Seamen made its way up the ginormous mountain and....

David: We made it...

Ronav: The Grand Line...

Mervick: Rice and Bay leaf...

The crew could barely hold in their joy and jumped up in glee. They all decided it was time to party. The only problem was that there was a shortage of food and they need to head to an island quick enough for them to refill their supplies.

David: Ronav what's the nearest island from here?

Ronav: Let's see.... Hmmmmmm.... There is an island called Isla Nublar. Maybe we can go there.

David: Alright! Let's g-

Mervick: Onion!!

David and Ronav looked at Mervick in surprise. They knew that onion meant no but didn't know why Mervick didn't want them to go the island.

Mervick immediately took his slate and chalk piece and wrote one word on it... David and Ronav came closer and found out that the word was...

David and Ronav: Dinosaurs.

Mervick looked at them severely but it had no effect. David and Ronav were already starting to dance around and chant dinosaurs ecstatically while jumping around again. Mervick knew it was a lost cause arguing against them, so he simply sighed and went to sleep.

A few hours later, the ship arrived at a giant island which was Isla Nublar.

David: Wow! So much greenery! I'm not much of a nature guy but this is absolutely fantastic.

Ronav: It's kind of suspicious though... There is no human life here...

David: Why would there be human life on a dinosaur infested island dumbass.

Ronav: David, I know this place is a dinosaur infested island, but I already knew it before Mervick told us about it. This place is supposed to be a park for visitors to look at dinosaurs and interact with the peaceful ones.

David: Hmmm... Maybe they closed the park.. You know.. High maintenance and stuff.

Ronav: But if it was so, there would've been news of that. Isla Nublar is extremely famous in the Grand Line for the Jurassic Park and if it closes it would definitely make front page news.

David: Eh. Who cares? Anyways let's go that wa-

Ronav: David watch out!!!

Right as Ronav pushed David to the side, a giant Sinoceratops came charging at them. Ronav acted reflexly and turned into pure lightning to dodge the attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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