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When they reached peace lake, they saw a very beautiful peace bridge, most of the couple in Wu-Ji sect come here to spent some quality time with their partners. Nie Huaisang is waiting for them with a tailor for them. Wei Wuxian told them he wants to give them hand made robes so everyone cooperate with the tailor.

Wei Wuxian recite Hua Cheng's verbal password and call in his head.


Hua Cheng is speechless for a moment then he raised his brow as he is listening.

'Bring He Xuan in our Jingshi when a-niang and others fall asleep.'

Hua cheng wants to crush this annoying bastard how the fuck he know his verbal password. As if wei wuxian read his mind he again hear his voice.

'I even know your size, oh yeah! It’s what you think ha ha ha!'

This bastard! He even know black Water, hua cheng quickly inform Ming Yi who is also furious. But didn’t show in his face. After sun set everyone come back main house, wei wuxian explain nie Huaisang that will be two sets of wedding robes and which will represent whom.

Nie Huaisang lost his footing when he hear, that charming boy in red is actually Supreme ghost king Hua Cheng and that poker face boy in black is another Supreme ghost king He Xuan. Nie Huaisang really don’t know what to think anymore, "really at a time he should not judge a book from it’s cover."

Finally Two Supreme Ghost King is present in Jingshi, wei twins are sleeping with His Highness Xie Lian in main house. Hua cheng and he xuan are ready to take action anytime but wei wuxian is shamelessly sitting on his husband wei wangji's lap in a gorgeous women body. He xuan is burning in irritation.

Wei Wuxian : " okay we are family so It's family discussion, huh?"

He Xuan : " Who the hell is your family! What do you want to say?"

Wei Wangji : " How about we give you the information who is responsible for your fate?"

He Xuan : " how the hell you can? Which i cannot in few hundreds of year?"

Wei Wuxian : " We have His Highness Xie Lian's 950 years memory. "

He simply said it like it explain everything, hua cheng toke a deep breathe, so wei wuxian really remember everything and that was not any simple dream. He xuan look at him silently asking if it was some elaborate prank but his experience is more than a answer to he xuan. Black Water know Crimson Rain enough to know when he is serious.

He Xuan : " then you know 150 years future, what do you want from me?"

Wei Wuxian : "In banyu pass, there is Guoshi Banyu, she is adopted daughter of his highness and soulmate of General Pei Su. Just rescue her and bring her back. Tell her General Hua sent you to rescue her, she will follow you."

He Xuan : " that's it? Then you will give me what i want? Who is general hua?"

Wei Wuxian give an amused smile to hua cheng and said.

Wei Wuxian : " it’s His Highness Xie Lian when he was banished for second times, and yes i said before we are family. "

Hua Cheng : "I believe you, still i want proof."

Wei Wuxian : " I can't give you the memory as it’s not yours in fast place but i can definitely do something so you can be at easy."

Then wei wuxian grab hua cheng but he is still sitting in his husband’s lap. The time and place all changed, hua cheng is alone he is now standing in a broken bridge, he saw his highness is bleeding from his head, Mu Qing and Feng Xin is brutally hurt, a young man he never saw, and Jun Wu who had done all of this has his highness's previous Sword Fang Xin, he Himself is standing there too close to his highness. He try to go and help but he realised he cannot move an inch.

Jun Wu was holding Zhu Xin at a slant. The sword body of Zhu Xin was gathered with incessantly flowing spiritual powers. At this moment, he was so clam and at easy that he was practically a different person than the Jun Wu who was manically ramming Xie Lian onto the rocks.

"Xian Le, you know very well that there is no doubt of your defeat. "

Jun Wu understand Xie Lian too well. He knew exactly how he would fight, and his spiritual powers also overwhelmingly overtook him. Moreover, even if they hadn’t exchanged blows, Xie Lian could still sense that Jun Wu's battle aura and spiritual powers were even stronger now, with mount TongLu as his territory the restrictions on their side was growing more obvious.

Xie Lian thought inwardly, what he said was probably true, he couldn’t win. But even if he couldn’t win, he had to fight! However hua cheng suddenly spoke up,

" No, Your Highness, you could win."  Xie Lian was taken aback and looked at him. Hua Cheng was also gazing at him, " You can win. You are stronger than him."

His one eye was bright, as if something was burning and he said with certainly, " Believe me, He's wrong. You're in the right. You're stronger than him. You're much more powerful than him!"

Jun Wu let out a deep and quiet chuckle, probably because he thought Hua cheng's words were native and amusing or perhaps he was pleased by the domineering power in his hands. The power of millions of believes were all in his hands alone!

But Hua Cheng gripped his shoulders, " So what? They are just millions of fools, they're all useless trash! But for you, one person is enough! "
one person was enough?  Xie Lian hadn’t yet wrapped his head around it before Hua Cheng pulled him close.

Xie Lian's eyes wided, spiritual powers exploded and rushed in, this time it was more indomitable than any other times, they transferred spiritual powers, even the wraith butterflies and molten resentful spirits seemed to have felt this horrifying energy. Exploring one after the other all around them exploding and shrieking.

The viewer Hua Cheng could clearly see what he is doing, he is pouring his all spiritual energy including life Force into his Highness. And it’s clear Jun Wu is the first Supreme Ghost King 'White No face' and now he is trying to control his highness as he always done with gentle smile.

His blood is boiling in rage and his dead heart is thumbing like it will jump out anytime. He is also felt proud of this version of himself but also jealousy as he is going to die for his highness.

Who knows how much time later, Feng Xin who was lying in the distance, ultered in disbelief, " your...  Your Highness, your... Your?"

Reaching out with a trembling hands Xie Lian felt his own neck. There was nothing, Hua Cheng had poured too much spiritual powers into him. There really was too much, so much it was completely outside the amount the cursed shackle could withstand.

Those two bands of fetters that had constrained him for eight hundred years had burst and shattered!

Hua Cheng saw how his highness defeat Jun Wu or White No Face then their heart worming confession for eash other, that his dead heart also felt worm. Then good bye for sometime with believe in come back as early as possible.

Apparently Jun Wu is more than 2500 years old, Crown Prince of WoYang Kingdom now Mount TongLu. He suffer the same fate as his highness when he ascend as god but he is manic as he can see. This young man is also teacher of His highness Kingdom of Xian Le, with other three hills in Mount TongLu they were four vasel of Jun Wu when he was most shining Martial God Bai Wuxaing.

When Hua Cheng open his eye again he is laying on the bed in Jingshi, He Xuan is anxiously sitting beside him. On the other hand Wei Wangji and Wei Wuxian is sleeping in each others arm shamelessly half naked. As if showing them they belongs to each other.

Hua Cheng and He Xuan silently leave Jingshi, He Xuan understand the situation when he saw the reaction in unconscious Hua Cheng. He just ask one question,

He Xuan : " What should we you now?"

Hua Cheng : " we have no other choice but we can Trust them. "

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