A new day (Part 1)

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Harvey, the towns doctor was nervously standing outside the farmers door. He swayed slightly as he nervously played with his tie. 

 The air smelled of fresh cut grass and the sun was warm on Harvey’s skin as it shone down over him. The soft breeze rustled through Harvey’s dark brown curls like a motherly hand caressing his cheek. His eyes were a shade darker than usual in contrast to his light complexion that looked as if it had been bleached by the sun. His face had been painted white On the top half of his nose rested His large square glasses that made him look neat and sophisticated. 

He looked so out of place on a farm like this. Even though he wasn’t wearing anything other than his Green coat. It looked as if he came straight from school, He looked like nothing out of one of those old fashioned romance novels. 

Mostly because he was much older than the other bachelors in the town, He was most likely the oldest actually...But that didn't stop him longing for someone to hold his hand...

Then he fell for the farmer and though he could never tell them this....since you can't ask your patients out....but he did he really wish that they could go up to his apartment so he could slowly kiss them as he held them against his bed.

Harvey blushed brightly and shook his head to snap out it, he shouldn't be thinking about this kind of thing. Especially not on the farmers well...farm....farm....oh God he needed some water...he needed to get out of here before he went insane. Harvey turned on his heel but as soon as he had the farmer opened their door to start their day. A Grey cat walked out and headbutted his leg affectionately.


The new farmer (Harvey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now