Spring 5, year 1

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The 5th of spring was finally here, the rain stopped today too, it was nice and sunny all day. He heard from pierre that they finally removed the bolder from the front of the mines. Which wasn't important information to doctor Harvey but at least he got a heads up that Marlon might be visiting his clinic more to treat injuries. So he could look forward to seeing him And maybe talking about some new medical theories of Harvey's, they were a little weird for the everyone else, who only knew what they were reading in books but he didn't mind.  Not if Marlon could help with his ideas on medicine. The other man seemed like a good guy and Harvey was curious about the all his adventures. After walking all the way to the mountains, a place he had rarely ever needed to visit.

Doctor Harvey stood out on the bridge looking into the cave, the view from here wasn't great but it was going to need to do.

As he looked in he noticed someone standing next to Marlon...he wasn't sure who but they looked oddly similar to the farmer. Marlon was explaining to them that if they wanted to adventure down to mines they were going to need something and handed them a sword...A damn sword. Doctor Harvey raised an eyebrow as he watched them take the thing and then start heading towards the caves. Marlon walked back to the adventures guild, ignoring Harvey as he did. Doctor Harvey shook his head, he had already given up hope for Marlon, he knew he could handle himself and now this happened.

Harvey just sighed and went back to the clinic, Sitting at the desk and preparing for the worst. There was no reason to believe anything could happen, after all those months they had been working on fixing the mines, there was no sign of trouble...or any other kind of trouble anyway. Harvey tried to calm himself, there was no reason to get paranoid, not yet anyway. But the feeling never left him, the feeling of something bad about to happen.

He just hoped this would have something positive to do with mining and not the other way around.  It wasn't long before he heard footsteps approach the clinic door and saw maru walking in and she put a coffee down on the counter for him "the farmer told me to give you this." she smiled.

"huh? why are they giving me things " Harvey asked confused but maru just shrugged and smiled again. She didn't seem to care about their conversations anymore, probably because maru never listened in on them.  They always talked about different things anyways so nothing interesting. "Thanks " Harvey said. Maru left again leaving him alone with his thoughts, trying to figure out what to think about the farmer giving him coffee.  

He hadn’t even interacted with them outside of the beach, except for the brief time when he Introduced himself to them. Harvey didn't know what to make of that, and the farmer just seemed friendly enough. Maybe Harvey should ask why they're being so nice... then again they're the one with the sword...maybe they doesn't want people to mess with them. Well...if they really want him dead Harvey can easily kill him, he wasn't the strongest person in this town that's for certain.  Then maybe the farmer is doing it out of pity? No, that couldn't be right, people who cared about him never let their kindness end up killing him...but still...the thought made him nervous. 
Harvey grabbed his cup and drank the warm drink.  He wished he would have brought a blanket along with him but he hadn't expected this to go long.  

So he decided to spend the afternoon by cleaning up in the clinic, he had a lot of dust on and he hated to see it everywhere.  He didn't have to work for much longer, he would just sit around waiting until he finished the chores. It would save him the trouble of going up to the mines and spending another evening there. Harvey took a deep breath, thinking that he wouldn't actually be bored...but then the image of the farmers eyes popped into his head and he groaned. How could he have forgotten about the farmer?…

No matter how hard he worked his thoughts kept drifting towards them and he found himself unable to concentrate.  He didn’t want to talk to anyone either,  not unless it was the farmer. He felt like such a coward,  hiding away in the clinic.  Why couldn’t he face the fact that they were probably going to be fine? Wasn’t his life already hard enough? Why did he need to add extra complications to his daily routine? 
Maybe he was overthinking it and that was the only reason why the farmer suddenly came into his head.  Harvey shook his head, he would have to try harder to not let their eyes affect him, the last thing he wants is to be acting like a creep.  He just sat there in the clinic, doing nothing, watching the sun slowly set outside of the window, listening to the sound of the buzzing lights.

It wasn’t until linus burst through the door carrying the injured farmer, Harvey almost fell off his stool, startled by the sudden noise.  “What happened!?” he asked, quickly moving over to the injured man.  “How did you get hurt?!” he whispered.  The farmer just gave him a weak smile and Harvey carefully took them into their arms. "They were In the mines...I don't know what happened but I think the monsters down there hurt them too much" linus explained to Harvey who had already moved onto treating the farmer’s wound, the farmer had gone into shock from the pain but he wasn't dying or anything so Harvey took the chance to check on him more closely, he wanted to examine the wounds more thoroughly in case his imagination was just playing tricks on him again. He cleaned the wounds properly, he didn't want to miss any spots. His hands were shaking but he managed to clean everything up without hurting the farmer anymore than they already were.  As soon as Harvey was done he looked up at linus "thanks for bringing them here...it's a good thing you did too...I'll take them home in a moment okay ?" Harvey smiled softly.   Linus gave him a nod before exiting the clinic.

Harvey was worried.  He didn't usually care what happened to the farmer but something was definitely wrong. And he really didn't understand what it could mean. Was he imagining things? Probably. If only it didn't make him feel like he was missing something very big. What could he possibly have missed...that was all these questions bothered him.  He was supposed to be studying medicine, not figuring out his feelings.  

But that wouldn't stop his worries now and he just wished it could get easier, at least in terms of how to deal with feelings. This whole thing was confusing and Harvey didn’t know if he liked it.  He would hate to say it out loud but he was pretty sure the farmer was going to die. Harvey was scared, he didn't want to lose another patient.  He didn't want to lose anyone else. He didn't want to lose anyone else.  He didn't want to lose anyone else.  He didn't want to lose anyone else.  He didn't want to lose anyone else. 

The new farmer (Harvey x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora