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My mother, Alexia and I get mani pedis, lashes and massages done.

We then arrive at the Shoppes and our first stop is at the perfume store where we buy 2 new fragrances each.

We also purchase a pair of glasses each before going to the jewelry store. Alexia and I just decide on a few new charms but my mother buys a watch and bracelet at another store which brings us to the end of our shopping.

We go to the jerk restaurant and place our order. We all take a seat and get drinks while the food is being prepared.

"This was a nice day." My mother says as she takes a sip of her margarita.

"For sure." Alexia agrees.

"Yeah, we haven't done anything like this in a while." I say.

The waitress walks over to me and flashes a smile. "Hi, your food will be out shortly but a gentleman offered you a drink of your choice." She points in the direction of a man leaning against the bar's counter with a drink in his hand.

He's staring at me with absolutely no expression while he swirls his drink.

My mother raises her eyebrows at me and Alexia widens her eyes.

They both take a sip of their drink and make similar facial expressions at each other.

My attention shifts back to the man.

He's still staring at me.

"I'll just have a whiskey sour." I say to the lady but my eyes don't leave the man.

Through the corner of my eye I see the waitress smile again. "Sure. I'll be right back with that for you."

"What a calamity." Alexia exclaims when the waitress walks away.

"Mi a tell yuh." I mumble.

The waitress comes back with the drink but when I look back to where the man was, it's empty.

By the time I finish my drink, our food comes and we eat and make small conversation.

Before I know it, we're all stuffed so we box up our leftovers and go to the bathroom to freshen up and leave.

We take a few pics but I eventually get bored and decide to wait by the car.

While I'm walking outside to the car, I see a figure leaned against it.

It resembles the same man from earlier but he's much clearer.

He's brown skinned and decorates his toned body with socks and slides, cotton shorts and a plain white t shirt.

"I'm not trying to be a creep." His deep voice matches his appearance.

"That's ironic." I force a chuckle.

He actually chuckles and I see his dimple appear. "Believe me."

He stretches out his hand which has a gift bag.


He doesn't have to try to be a creep.

He naturally is.

I hesitate before taking the bag and he offers a small smile.

"I came here to pick up something for my mother and I saw you. I saw what's in the bag and thought that it woulda fit a pretty girl like you."

My cheeks warm at his words a little.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem." He says then waves.

He walks over to a black GLE with black rims.

He pulls out of the parking and a few minutes later, Alexia and my mother come to the car so we finally leave.

When I go home, I open the bag and throw away the stuffing paper. I take out the two boxes that are finally revealed and open them.

The first one has a necklace and the second one has two charm pendants.

That was sweet of him.

I put them up with the rest of my jewelry and study for my exams before eventually falling asleep.

The exam season breezes through and before I know it Alexia and I are at the beach having drinks to celebrate the end of the exam season.

She sits across from me in a matching beach chair and takes a sip of her drink before she turns to me.

"I need to pee. I'll be right back so you can watch the stuff." She says then leaves to go to the bathroom.

I call the waiter to order two more drinks and a serving of fries for when Alexia comes back.

The waiter comes back with three drinks and the fries.

"A gentleman sent this for you." She explains and gestures over to a man.

The same man.

"Thanks." I take the items from her.

When she leaves, I watch the man walk over to me and flash a smile.

"What a coincidence!" He falsely exclaims.

"A yuh one style dat?" I ask him and take a sip of the drink that he sent.

The bubbles dance across my tongue and leave behind a refreshing strawberry taste.

"What do you mean?" He asks and takes a seat in Alexia's chair.

"Send a drink." I point to the drink in my hand before taking another sip.

He shrugs. "Isn't it good?"

I nod hesitantly. "Yeah."

"So I have good taste?" He asks.

"In jewelry and drinks." I chuckle which causes him to smile sheepishly.

"You actually liked it?" He scratches the back of his neck.

I nod.

"It was just crazy that I came across you again. Maybe we can go out for drinks sometime and you can try something new?" He suggests.

"And then?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I go to my house and you go to yours."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure about that?"

"It would just be drinks or if you aren't feeling that then we could do something else. I was just offering to get to know you." He sounds offended.

I hesitate. "Sure."

I hand him my phone and he enters his number then hands me back the phone.


Alexia walks up to us and her eyes immediately widen.

The man gets up at the same time and steps away. "Sorry." He says.

Alexia takes him in from head to toe. "That's fine." She mumbles.

"I'll be going." He says and walks away from us.

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